Every year thousands of rainforests and peatlands are being destroyed to make way for new palm oil plantation in this region which is destroying homes of tigers. To check forest destruction, Greenpeace had started a movement known as "Protect Paradise. In which region this movement has been started?
Deciduous trees, unlike evergreens, shed their leaves periodically, which then regrow. Which of the following is not a deciduous tree?
This huge cactus is pleated like an accordion and expands as it soaks up water. Its flower is the state wildflower of Arizona. Identify it.
Which of the following statements is true about the rainforests?
It is a major cereal grain grown in the temperate climate. It was one of the first cultivated grains in Eurasia. Celebration, Lacey and Legacy are few of its six-row malting varieties. Identify the crop.
Plantation crops refer to monoculture crops which are cultivated on an extensive scale over a large area. Which of the following is usually grown in plantation farming?
This nut can be sweet or bitter and its oil is used in cosmetics, aromatherapy and in making marzipan. USA is the top producer of it. Name this nut.
These trees are massive and can grow to a height of 50-84 m with a circumference of 20-30 ft. The wood was used mainly for shingles and fence posts or even for making matchsticks. The largest of them is called the 'General Sherman' which is located in California. Which trees are we talking about?
This strange looking tree is an icon of Southern Africa's most arid habitats. It is a tall branching species of aloe also known as choje to the indigenous San people. Identify it.
Cultivation of trees, Shrubs and other woody plants is known as _______ .
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