Declining values for bonds, the financial vehicles against which investors hedgeto get through the bear market, is going to force currency trading to increase.
Except for internal networks involve identical operating systems, whose identificationprotocol is the same, all legacy multi-system networks need software emulatorsto communicate.
In one of the most surprising victories in World War I, the newly-formed Sovietcommunist state was routed by the Polish General, Jozef Pilsudski, demanding that it should push back its borders east of Vilnius.
Recently discovered gravitational lensing around certain proximate stars stronglysuggests that the nine planets of our solar system are a common phenomenonin the universe rather than developing incidentally from a unique galactic phenomenon several billion years ago.
The Great Wall Space Agency’s recent attempts to launch a man into space, a majorgoal of their space program for the past few years, has not substantially decreasedthe gaps existing between the technology-rich and technology-poor cities aroundthe space center.
Most MBA programs now mandate that potential applicants be finished with anundergraduate degree before applying.
The manager of the plastic fork factory tried to convince the unruly factory workers they should join forces to optimize production on the belt rather than attemptingto be contrary.
Although he is as brilliant as, if not more brilliant than, many of his fellow students,he is very lazy and his thesis will be unfinished.
Doctors are loath to prescribe powerful painkillers because their abuse as addictive drugs is a danger for many patients.
The beginning of the show always brought in lots of money, yet the average singerended the show with a decrease in what their tip may be.
Because memory weakens with age, for the experiment to be valid, it is importantthat a group to be tested for drug induced memory loss be compared with acontrol group.
As the journalist left to interview the convicted murderer, she was advised of the man’s short temper, told she should not anger him, and was given a tape recorder.
The average individual’s cost of going into space is estimated at a fraction of theprice per economy ticket of transatlantic airplane travel by the end of the 21stcentury.
Praise for Johnny Starstruck and his entourage are common, although statisticsshow Americans still associate his name with the ritualistic murders.
If seriously mentally ill people do not receive medication, they can grow unable tosupport themselves, become irrational, and perhaps even threatening the safetyof themselves or others.
When Henry dreams about his late wife, he sees her as she was during her youth.
Unlike that of the colonies of Portugal, France, and Germany, those of England arestill affected by the former imperial power in modern days.
America’s nuclear arsenal has expanded, but China’s and Pakistan’s too.
The average American may not think of sexual harassment to be a widespreadissue, but 75 percent of all women report experiencing it in the workplace.
Seven out of ten households in the United States own two or more televisions.
Many are confused that the Atkins Diet, which permits such seeming less healthy foods as bacon, forbids bread.
The UN arms inspectors are reviewing Iraq’s arsenal of weapons for the determination of whether they are meeting the requirements set by the Security Council.
A survey of men from ages 18 to 30 revealed homosexual experiences in 30 percent of them and they ranged from an isolated incident to a permanent lifestyle.
George Brown lost more than 180 pounds since having an operation truncatinghis stomach three years ago.
At school, Miruko is antisocial and sullen, but in her home she is a bubbly, eventempered child.
A high school student fanatically devoted to modern art, Fanny has toured fivemuseums, perhaps most remarkably the enormous Museum of Modern Art.
When the chorus divides the women into sopranos and altos, it will be able to singsongs many times more complicated compared to those that can be sung as it isnow.
Angel food cake, a cholesterol-free cake, solves the problem of how to bake a cakefor a health-conscious family.
The local orchestra, which used to perform everything from Bach and Handel toBartok, appears to have reduced its repertoire to only baroque music.
Experts believe that senior citizens with higher than average cholesterol and their families develop a predisposition to cardiovascular disease are more likely to dieat an age below that of their life expectancy.
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