Sometimes, it seems like Mary does things only to make it more inconvenient for her husband to have a good time when he’s out with his friends.
His love of basketball, long legs, and athletic talent makes him well suited for aplace on the high school basketball team.
Stanford University gave the Musician of the Year Award to Joan White, one of only eight musicians who had performed in the end-of-the-year revue.
As the United States Census showed, college graduates are five times more likely to own houses as to own apartments. Choose correct replacement statement:
Hospitals are increasing the hours of doctors, significantly affecting the frequencyof surgical errors, which already are a cost to hospitals of millions of dollars inmalpractice lawsuits.
The pharmaceutical company hired a consultant to supervise a division studying lower salaries as to their effects on employees’ morale.
Marian Corey has developed a chest cold that, with persistent coughing, could gravely strain the five-octave voice that earned her fame.
During gladiator matches, the unfair match-up between a prisoner with a shortsword and ten soldiers with horses and whips can drive the prisoner to a state ofmanic frenzy, like a rampaging bull whose rage increases when its hide is piercedwith swords.
Eye movement occurs more rapidly during dreams than when waking.
The Jukes family lost all of their money gambling, and they were forced to moveto a suburb bordering the city from their apartment.
Parents’ disagreements on how to discipline their child, has made problems forteachers as they are teaching such spoiled students.
Despite her recent promise not to talk about her divorce with the media, shedecided to do so at the press conference because she thought that many women, likely most, would appreciate her message of empowerment.
Students of violin can distinguish a good tone quality from a bad one long before the identification that a given instrument is out of tune.
Like their sister schools in England, the American School of Ethical Culture hasalways embraced the philosophy of nonviolence.
The leader of the physics seminar was prepared to start discussions herself, fornot everyone in attendance was knowledgeable that the material being discussedinvolved new theories of quantum mechanics unknown to many in the profession.
Isabelle so loved her dead husband that when forced to sell his collection ofGenghis Khan’s diaries to raise money, she first made copies of more than 50.
Using the methods employed by Soviet agents, a new form of torture has beendeveloped by Chinese generals to aid in extracting information from unwilling captives.
Most people think that women have achieved equality with men, but sociologistsknow that statistics for both post-graduate education and median income indicateas drastic of a gap as there was 10 years ago.
Al Gore was vice-president of the United States, while earlier his father has been a senator.
Two disabled children, one with crutches and the other one with a wheelchair,enters the class on Monday.
In Pomona College, a rule has been passed that permits students to cook and servetheir food, as well as to buy it.
Some of them burned out eons ago, the night sky is spotted with thousands of stars.
The humidity, air pollution, and noise have affected the children of Maria lessdrastically than those of her neighbor.
Content though she seems, the unhappiness of the housewife is evident to thosewho know her well.
Language immersion experiences are valuable because they can quickly teach students who may be unlikely to learn the language in other settings or months ofregular teaching.
During the late 1960’s and the 1970’s, funding for space missions fell by nearly 70 percent from its peak in 1968 down to its nadir in 1977.
In his speech last night, the Mayor acknowledged Citizens for Communities, agrassroots organization that has been active in drawing residents of impoverished neighborhoods together.
The actors in The Mystery of Edwin Drood have become known as a prime example of the interaction between performers with the audience.
The pharmaceutical company must report to the FDA the number of casualties suffered by its test subjects and that the statistics be released to the public.
The PTA decided that just as alcohol is discussed in health class to protect thosewho might actually abuse it, other drugs should also be covered to prevent students from falling prey to addiction.
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