The maximum positive bending moment in a fixed beam of span 8m and subjected to a central point load of 120 kN is (in kN-m)
The major and minor principal stresses at a point are 3Mpa and -3Mpa respectively. The maximum shear stress at the point is
A point within the cross sectional plane of a beam through which the resultant of the external loading on the beam has to pass through to ensure pure bending without twisting of the cross-sectional of the beam is called:
A rectangular beam is 24 cm wide and 50 cm deep, its section modulus is given by:
The fixed support in a real beam becomes in the conjugate beam as:-
A simple supported beam with rectangular cross section is subjected to a concentrated load at mid span. If the width and depth of beam are doubled, the deflection at mid span will be reduced to:-
A tensile test is performed on a round bar. After fracture it has been found that the diameter remains approximately same at fracture. The material under test was
Consider the following statements:
1. On a Principal plane, only normal stress acts
2. On a Principal plane, both normal and shear stresses acts
3. On a Principal plane, only shear stress acts
4. Isotropic state of stress is independent of frame of reference
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
The ratio of crippling loads of a column having both the ends fixed to the column having both the ends hinged, is
Match the following beams with their bending moment diagrams:
The crippling load taken by a column with both ends hinged is 100 kN. The crippling load taken by the same column with one end fixed and other end free will be:
Modulus of rigidity is defined as the ratio of ________.
The Mohr’s circle given below corresponds to which one of the following stress condition.
If maximum principal stress σ1 = 60 N/mm2, σ2 and σ3 of value zero act on a cube of unit dimensions, then the maximum shear strain energy stored in it would be
If the deflection and slope at the free end of a cantilever beam subjected to the uniformly distributed load are 15 mm and 0.02 radians respectively. The length of the beam is _______.
The stress in a body due to suddenly applied load compared to when it is applied gradually is _______.
If the deflection at the free end of a cantilever beam of span 1 m, subjected UDL over entire span is 15 mm, then the slope at the free end is ________
For a given material, the modulus of rigidity is 120 GPa and Poisson’s ratio is 0.4. The value of modulus of elasticity in GPa is
1 videos|1 docs|64 tests
1 videos|1 docs|64 tests