Shear center of the T-section can be shown by point S and center of gravity by point G. The correct representation of S and G for the section is :
Two equal length beams are fixed at their ends. One carries a distributed load and other carries same load but concentrated in the middle. The ratio of maximum deflections will be
A composite section made of two materials has moduli of elasticity in the ratio 1 : 2 and lengths in the ratio 2 : 1. The ratio of the corresponding deflection under a direct load is
A cantilever beam of span L and uniform flexular rigidity ‘EI’ is loaded with a downward U.D.L of w kN/m and upward force ‘P’ at the free end. The deflection at the free end will be zero, if
If the depth of a simply supported beam carrying an isolated load at its center, is doubled the deflection of the beam at the center will be changed by a factor of
A force P is applied at a distance x from the end of the beam as shown in the figure. What would be the value of x so that the displacement at ‘A’ is equal to zero?
If the deflection at free end of a uniformly loaded cantilever beam is 18 mm and the slope of the deflection curve at the free end is 0.02 then the length of the beam is
A beam 40mm wide, 80mm deep, is freely supported over a span of 2m. A weight of 50 N is dropped on to the middle of the beam from a height of 40mm. Calculate the maximum instantaneous stress and deflection. E=200 GPa.
Locate the shear center for the channel section as shown in the figure in mm?
The equation for the deflected shape of a beam carrying a uniformly distributed load and simply supported at the ends is given by
What is the intensity of uniformly distributed load (in kN/m)? (The unit of EI is kN-m2 & it is a flexural rigidity)
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