Total strain energy stored in a simply supported beam of span ‘L' and flexural rigidity ‘El’ subjected to a concentrated load ‘W at the centre is equal to
Which one of the following gives the correct expression for strain energy stored in a beam of length L and of uniform cross-section having moment of inertia I and subjected to constant bending moment M?
A square bar of side 40 mm and length 1 m is subjected to an axial load P. The same bar is then used as a cantilever beam and subjected to an end load P. The ratio of the strain energies, stored in the bar in the second case to that stored in the first case, is
A bar of length L and of uniform cross-sectional area A. and second moment of area I is subjected to a pull P. If young’s modulus of elasticity of the bar material is E, the expression for strain energy stored in the bar will be
Strain energy stored in a body of volume V subjected to uniform stress σ is
A bar having length L and uniform cross-section with area A is subjected to both tensile force P and torque T. If G is the shear modulus and E is the Young’s modulus, the internal strain energy stored in the bar is
What is the strain energy stored in a body volume V with stress σ due to gradually applied load?
For the state of stress of pure shear τ, the strain energy stored per unit volume in the elastic, homogeneous isotropic material having elastic constants E and v will be
Which of the following estimates is also known as a preliminary estimate?
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