Unconventional forms of artistic expression such as graffiti, gaining a newfound status in the years following postmodernism, which exploded as a movement unprecedented in its multidisciplinary application.
Pilots who do not have over 5,000 hours of flying experience makes it unlikely for them to be chosen as flight commanders for transatlantic flights.
A number of innovations shaped the course of the decade long World War II; however the invention that was the most important among all inventions were the atomic bomb that demonstrated the superiority of firepower of allied forces.
Planned reduction in orders for components for the iPhone 5 is due to weaker-than-expected demand because Apple’s share of world-wide smartphone shipments have declined from 23% to 14% since last year while Samsung’s share has steadily increased from 8.8% to 31% during the same period.
The group of the Pleiades, although lying outside the main course of the galaxy, are connected to it by a faint loop and is the scene of the most remarkable association of stars and nebulous matter known in the visible universe.
Residents of several Mexican villages have risen up in armed revolt against local drug traffickers terrorizing the region and against the government that residents say of as incapable to protect them from organized crime.
The production of goods for export that accounted for about one-third of China’s air pollution in 2006 and the outsourcing of manufacturing by the US helps explain how China has become the largest total contributor to climate change, overtaking the US.
Reduced-impact logging, a timber-harvesting technique used in the rainforests of Guyana, although it involves more cumbersome methods of felling trees than conventional logging, it kills fewer trees and encourages the natural growth of seedlings without the need to replant.
The German Chancellor Angela Merkel took credit for the revival of German economy in the midst of European and worldwide recession, claiming that her emphasis on policies promoting innovation have boosted exports to booming economies of Asia despite stronger Euro.
Companies conducting offshore drilling operations in the northern Artic region maintain that their compliance with regulations that pertain to the safety of marine life in the area are responsible for the decrease in pollution levels in the region.
Integrated into workplace safety training programs, standard regulations for operating heavy machinery protects the company from possible lawsuits.
As mentioned by several characters in William Shakespeare’s plays, notably by Marc Antony in Julius Caesar directly after Caesar's murder, “Havoc!,” a military signal from the Middle Ages, directing the soldiers to pillage and invoke chaos in order to causing of confusion among the enemy.
An educational curriculum that originally catered to the children of globe-trotting diplomats making inroads in K-12 public schools across the U.S., boosting test results.
Like traditional marketing, commonly defined as a form of marketing existing before the advent of technological means of accessing potential customers, digital marketing that utilizes available resources to collect data in order to estimate the characteristics of its target audience and to select pertinent avenues of advertising products.
Steel is one of the most widely used construction metals, which is an alloy of carbon and iron and give foundations their strength.
From various studies on behavioral economics, a branch of economics concerned with studying the impact of psychological factors on economic decision-making, are learned how consumers make buying decisions.
Because technological advances quickly surpassed and companies wanted to make large profits while they still can, many companies charge the maximum possible price for a product that represents a clear technological advantage over competing products.
In the last decade, research in nanotechnology conducted at university-funded laboratories fell to a record low because grants for scientists who conducted independent research were not easily approved, but, because the necessary technical tools were rising in costs, those of expenses incurred during such research increased rapidly.
Due to Nokia, which sells more cell phones than any other company does, but also has the lowest average selling price, so it has lower profits than many companies that sell fewer phones.
Dark matter along with black holes, a region of space from which nothing can escape, estimated to contain three fourths of mass of the universe.
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