Noting that the price of oil and other fuel components, a major factor in the cost structure of
an airline, have risen and will continue to rise, the company management was pessimistic
about their outlook for the upcoming quarter.
A higher interest rate is only one of the factors, albeit an important one, that keeps thehousing market from spiraling out of control, like it did earlier in the decade.
The Daughters of the American Revolution, a volunteer service organization, admits asmembers only women who can prove lineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution.
Consumption of bread products made from ergot-infected grains often trigger severely debilitating symptoms such as muscle contractions, seizures and gangrene but, at a proper dose, also cause a significant reduction in maternal bleeding after childbirth.
Since the mid-1990s, the central government of Botswana has been forcibly removing nativeBushmen from the Central Kalahari Game Reserve; the government justifies their actions bystating that it is too costly to provide such basic services like medical care and schooling tosuch a remote area.
The governor’s team of advisors, including her education and political strategists, has not beenavailable for comment since the governor released her controversial education reformproposal.
The amount of car accidents caused by faulty brakes, like accidents caused by faulty wiring,has increased significantly since regulations on manufacturing have been relaxed.
Hogarth's engravings, which provide a vivid portrait of eighteenth-century London, are of interest to both artists and historians.
The banana that contains high level of potassium and other important minerals are consideredto be one of nature’s healthiest fruits.
The increase in unemployment rates, coupled with significantly increased retail prices as wellas energy costs, are forcing many homeowners to look into alternative sources of fuel in orderto save money on winter heating.
According to industry analysts, the recent growth in the number of hybrid motor vehicles inmajor metropolitan areas are likely to accelerate in the future.
Before the Civil War, Harriet Tubman, along with other former slaves and white abolitionists,helped create what had become known as the Underground Railroad, and were responsible forleading hundreds, if not thousands, of slaves to freedom.
Since 1929, when the global telegraph business peaked, the number of telegrams deliveredannually have decreased from 200 million to only 21,000 last year.
Mathematical analysis of humpback whale sounds provide evidence that animals other than humans use a hierarchical structure of communication.
According to a recent study conducted at over 100 American universities, the number ofcollege graduates interested in pursuing a career in financial services is likely to double by 2010.
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