Considering the principal value of inverse trigonometric functions, 2(arc sin x)2 - (arc sin x) - 6 = 0 are x ..........
If 2 sin2x + 3 sin x ≥ 2 and 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π then x will lie in the interval :
If cos 20° = n and cos x = 2 n2 - 1, then the possible values of x between 0 and 360° are :
The values of θ lying between θ = 0 and θ - π/2 and satisfying the equation :
If sin-1 x. + sin-1(l -x) = cos-1 x then x will be equal to
The equation 2cos2x2 + x/6 2x + 2-x has:
The general solution of the equation : sin x + cos x = 1 is given by
The general solution of the equation sin x - 3sin 2x + sin3x = cos x-3 cos2x + cos3x is:
If the function f[x) = sin-1 (x2 - 3), then x belongs to:
From the top of a light house 60 meters high with its base at sea level, the angle of depression of a boar is 15°. The distance of the boat from the foot of the light house is :
If cot x = √3 and cosec x = 2, which one of the following is correct?
Which of the following statements is possible?
If cos A + cos B - 4 sin2 C/2, then the sides of the triangle ABC are in
The general solution of the equation tan2θ - 2√3 tanθ = 1 is given by:
As x increases from 0 to 2π the function 2 sin2x + sin x cos x - 4sin x - 2cos x becomes zero
The equation 3 cos θ + 4 sin θ = 6 has
If cos (A - B) = 3/5 and tan A tan B = 2 ten:
If θ is a small positive number, then:
log tan 1° log tan2° log tan3°....log tan 89° is equal to:
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