They were all shocked at his failure in the competition.
In a large number of developing countries, regular employment is still elusive to a large proportion of young graduates, like that for their earlier generations
In the Great Lakes, the blooms of phytoplankton are escalating rapidly because of the negligence of the authorities; therefore the waterbodies would soon be such dangerous levels of toxins that supplying potable water to surrounding states will be impossible.
Glacier and ice patch archaeologists face extreme challenges to find, document, and conserve artifacts when melting ice fails to keep them undetected, shielding them from decay due to changing climatic conditions, and safe from misappropriation.
A new study suggests that different species of mice have different burrow designs: a lab-raised mouse too can build a species-specific burrow due to its genes, carrying various DNA combinations of burrow creation in genome.
Stonehenge, the most famous of the English megalithic monuments, has excited the attention of historians since early times, and according to some medieval historians it was erected by Aurelius Ambrosius in memory of a number of British chiefs whom Hengist and his Saxons treacherously murdered in A.D. 462, some believe that Ambrosius himself was buried there.
In World War I, the West Asia Bureau of the UK’s Foreign Office had felt that an operation initiated and funded by external powers supporting the insurgent tribes would be beneficial to the British Empire
Once considered the ninth planet in the solar system, Pluto was discovered in 1930, lost its planetary status in 2006, which prompted the International Astronomical Union (IAU) to create a new definition for the term ‘planet’, and is now categorized as just one out of 70,000 icy objects in the Kuiper Belt measuring 100 kilometers across or more
Since products in the chemical industry have extremely brief shelf lives, manufacturers of chemicals usually produce as much as possible in a short span of time, and this was a trend begun by the early manufacturers of chemical products in the nineteenth century, which is continuing in twenty-first century markets.
Like a protein rich diet that the healthy genes need to produce amino acids, the healthy genes diminishing is due to more and more people adopting an urban lifestyle, in which they tend to cook less, eating more processed food and fast food.
In spite of discovering new sources of oil exploration in the Canadian oil sands and along the Norwegian coast, OPEC estimates oil companies, in order to conserve margins, to be more conservative in setting exploration targets than they have been in the past
Considering the necessity for a new benchmarking policy, Brownstone Inc. assessed an innovative methodology to monitor its competitors’ progress, compare market behaviors, and indicate whether it should conduct routine surveys of companies in other markets.
In the last decade, research in nanotechnology conducted at university-funded laboratories fell to a record low because grants for scientists who conducted independent research were not easily approved, but, because the necessary technical tools were rising in costs, those of expenses incurred during such research increased rapidly.
Mary Stuart was born in Scotland, but never did possess great fluency in the language of the country over which she had later been called to rule; her knowledge of it was acquired chiefly, if not wholly, after she returned from France.
The production of goods for export that accounted for about one-third of China’s air pollution in 2006 and the outsourcing of manufacturing by the US helps explain how China has become the largest total contributor to climate change, overtaking the US.
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