Travel agents are market intermediaries who make their living by gathering, organizing, and dispensing information about travel-related services that is not readily available to most consumers. Through new information technologies, such as the internet much of this information can now be made directly available to consumers. Therefore, as more consumers gain access to these new technologies, demand for the services of travel agents will be drastically reduced.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
Increased use of incineration is sometimes advocated as a safe way to dispose of chemical waste. But opponents of incineration point to the 40 incidents involving unexpected releases of dangerous chemical agents that were reported just last year at two existing incinerators commissioned to destroy a quantity of chemical waste material. Since designs for proposed new incinerators include no additional means of preventing such releases, leaks will only become more prevalent if use of incineration increases.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
Observatory director: Some say that funding the megatelescope will benefit only the astronomers who will work with it. This dangerous point of view, applied to the work of Maxwell, Newton, or Einstein, would have stifled their research and deprived the world of beneficial applications, such as the development of radio, that followed from that research.
If the statements above are put forward as an argument in favor of development of the megatelescope, which one of the following is the strongest criticism of that argument?
Hopland, one of the world’s major producers of rose plants, exported about five tons of roses last year. In the year prior to last year, Hopland exported just 2.75 tons of roses. Therefore, it can be concluded that the demand for roses is on an upward trend and should be expected to keep increasing in the future.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the conclusion drawn above?
Nutritionist: Obesity is becoming a very serious problem in this country, and we must actively pursue a means of combating it. I have recently conducted a 12-week weight loss study to see which is the best method for obese adults to lose weight. My study shows that the consumption of a healthy, balanced diet and the incorporation of exercise were highly successful. All patients who participated in my study lost weight by eating the recommended diet and by adding a little exercise each day.
Which of the following statements, if true, most seriously undermines the statement above?
Driving excessively fast has been demonstrated to decrease the number of miles one can drive per gallon of fuel. Gary has recently been experiencing a decrease in mileage per gallon of fuel while driving his car. This clearly proves that Gary has been driving excessively fast lately.
Which of the following statements, if true, would most seriously weaken the conclusion about Gary’s driving?
Bayside Aquarium plans to capture a great white shark and to display it at the aquarium, in the hope that doing so will help raise public awareness that this species of shark is in danger of extinction. But few such sharks have ever survived in captivity for more than one month. In all likelihood, then, this plan would amount to a waste of the aquarium’s financial resources, which would be better directed toward other efforts to preserve the great white shark.
Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the argument above?
In the sport of maxiball, in which the objective is to score more goals than the opposing team, each team member faces off against one member of the other team. The coach for the Panthers predicts victory over the Cougars in an upcoming match between these two maxiball teams.
The chief reason for the coach’s prediction is that the Cougars’ best defensive player will not be defending against Fonsica, who is the Panthers’ highest scoring player.
Which of the following, if true, would cast most doubt on the prediction made by the Panthers’ coach?
The brochure for “Sailboat Sellers Inc.” indicates that sailboats manufactured before 1990 are more likely to have retained their original finish, polish, and detailing than those manufactured in 1990 or later. Therefore, sailboat manufacturers were more attentive to producing higher-quality, durable sailboats before 1990 than was the case subsequently.
Which of the following, if true, would serve to cast doubt on this conclusion?
Members of the staff at the local daycare suggest that parents would have more incentive to pick up their children on time if the parents were assessed a fine after arriving more than 10 minutes late to pick up their children.
Which of the following, assuming that it is a realistic possibility, argues the most strongly against the effectiveness of the suggestion above?
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