Hopland, one of the world’s major producers of rose plants, exported about five tons of roses last year. In the year prior to last year, Hopland exported just 2.75 tons of roses. Therefore, it can be concluded that the demand for roses is on an upward trend and should be expected to keep increasing in the future.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the conclusion drawn above?
The most important concern in the minds of social media users is the protection of their privacy. Accordingly, as per the privacy policy released to customers, most social media companies use the latest 256-bit encryption techniques to transmit and store user data. However, recent tests done by several security companies show that 128-bit encryption is sufficient for all practical purposes. Hence, if data security is the only objective, then by switching to the older and cheaper 128-bit encryption, media companies can increase their overall profits without compromising on the security of user data.
Which of the following, if true, argues against the suggested change in the encryption techniques?
Because the municipal commission of City X expects a severe shortage of electrical power in the coming months, it has increased the rate at which it charges for the usage of electricity in the hope that people will decrease their usage. In the six weeks since this plan was implemented, one of the city’s prominent suppliers of electricity has reported that its customers are now using over 10 percent less power than they were before the price was raised. Clearly, the commission’s plan is working.
Which of the following, if true, supports the conclusion that the municipal commission’s plan is not the reason for the decrease in usage mentioned above?
Earlier, any trade relation between the ancient kingdoms of Sphylgor and Gorphyl was ruled out because of the inhospitable desert between them. The desert would have made it impossible for them to regularly travel such long distances at a time when the Syphlgorians were not aware of the use of the wheel. However, the discovery of large numbers of Sphylgorian coins in Gorphyl has prompted archeologists to conclude otherwise.
Which of the following, if true, weakens the archaeologists’ conclusion?
A recent study by Dealson on the shopping habits of Ringlandians revealed that word-of-mouth is a key source of awareness for almost 38% of Ringlandian shoppers. The study also revealed that one in every three shoppers in Ringland goes online to the company website before making a purchase. As word-of-mouth recommendations can’t be directly influenced by companies, currently it makes sense for them to focus solely on increasing their online presence in order to create maximum awareness of their products.
Which of the following statements, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
Economist: To increase exports, the government of Targania has planned to reduce the price at which it exports timber and has, therefore, reduced the price at which it buys timber from local manufacturers. Even though sales will increase, the plan, because of the lower profit margins, will lead to a decline in profits for timber manufacturers, forcing some of them into losses. Therefore, in the interest of the local manufacturers, the government should shelve the plan to increase the exports.
Which of the following, if true, casts the most doubt on the economist’s recommendation?
CEO of a newspaper company: In the last six months, we have faced a 20% increase in the delay of newspaper delivery. This issue will be resolved if we ensure that all our papers are packed and ready to be delivered by 3 a.m. every day.
Which of the following, if true, casts the most doubt on the effectiveness of the solution proposed by the CEO?
Experia Inc., a pioneer in online retailing in the cosmetics business, sells all its products only through its website. While evaluating its various marketing channels, the company discovered that it attracts two times as many visitors for every dollar spent on Google than on Cosmetico, an online magazine. The company also found that the average purchase of a customer does not depend on whether the customer came through Google or the magazine. The company has, therefore, decided to shift some of its marketing funds from the magazine to Google to increase its overall profits.
Which of the following most strongly undermines the ability of the company’s plan to increase its profits?
Workers with master’s degrees usually hold more senior management positions and earn higher salaries than do workers without master’s degrees, even when those with master’s degrees have the same amount of experience as, or even less experience than, those without. A recent Economics Today editorial claims that seniority and pay scales should be determined on the basis of experience, not qualifications. However, this claim is baseless. Master’s students often undergo up to fifteen months of hands-on project work, and this period of internship should count as experience.
Which of the following, if true, weakens the author’s argument?
The demand for Korean horror films in America will fall considerably since American horror films are back in demand there, impacting the overall demand for Korean films. However, the American viewers’ demand for Korean films will increase again. Two years back when the American romance film genre went through a revival in popularity in America, the demand for Korean romantic films in America went down; however, the demand for Korean films has returned to its previous level since then.
Which of the following, if true, best supports the assertion that the demand for Korean films may not return to its previous level?
Dean of Talentia College: For the past few years, the reputation of our college has been declining, because of which we are now able to fill in only 70% of the total available seats. If more research work is done in the college, it will create more visibility and hence more students will start applying to our college. Accordingly, we will be able to increase the student count.
Which of the following, if true, raises the most serious doubt regarding the effectiveness of the Dean’s plan in increasing the student count at the college?
Consultant: One of the most useful application areas for robot-based automation is in the manufacturing sector. Robot-based production enhances efficiency and productivity in various manufacturing processes. As a leading innovator in the field, Rockshell Corporation had launched Robo-X Automation System a few years back. Since then, Robo-X has reduced the manufacturing costs significantly for almost all the firms that are similar to Weinstein Corporation. Therefore, by switching from manual systems to the Robo-X automation system, Weinstein Corporation will be able to lower its costs and thereby ensure a significant growth in profits this year over last year.
Which of the following statements, if true, most weakens the consultant’s proposal to purchase Robo-X?
Records of trade between ancient civilizations in Europe and the Americas indicate the use of seagoing ships along the trade over the Atlantic Ocean, which were the main arteries of contact between the various empires. Although the first sailing boats were built in 8000 B.C., it is likely that the earliest trade exchanges between Europe and the Americas started only after the first boats that could cross the sea were built 1000 years later.
Which of the following, if true, casts doubts on the author’s conclusion above?
The state of Orifiozis has been trying to increase the planting of trees in its prime cities. One of the reasons that residents hesitate to grow trees is the price of water. In order to increase the planting of trees in these cities, an environmental organization has suggested that the state reduce the water taxes on homes that have more than four trees that are older than three years.
Which of the following, if true, most threatens the plan’s prospects for success?
In order to improve the performance of students taking her course, the Statistics professor has introduced a weekly quiz for the new batch that started school this year. So far, she has found that the students’ performance has improved by 5% as compared to the performance of the senior batches in their first year. This improvement is certainly a direct result of her weekly quizzes.
Which of the following, if true, casts the most serious doubt on the conclusion drawn above?
Last year, the United States introduced compulsory vaccination for all children of a certain age against rotavirus. Without the vaccination, rotavirus hospitalized 55,000 to 70,000 children in the United States per year; this year, the number of hospitalizations has been reduced by 20%. Based on this data, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that the rotavirus vaccine prevents more than 50,000 doctor visits per year.
Which of the following, if true, casts the most doubt on the estimate prepared by the CDC?
Kidney transplantation is the organ transplant of a kidney into a patient suffering from acute renal failure (when both kidneys stop functioning). Country X has recorded highest number of deaths due to kidney failure. Lack of kidney donors has prompted Country X to seek help from Country Y. To help Country X, the government of Country Y has planned awareness programs and campaigns to encourage its people to donate kidneys. As more people of Country Y donate kidneys, deaths due to renal failure will decrease significantly in Country X.
Which of the following if true would raise the most serious doubt that the plan presented above would reduce the incidence of deaths due to renal failure in Country X?
About a decade ago, computer engineering was a lot more popular than biotechnical engineering as a field of choice for graduate studies. However, in the last few years, biotech has risen rapidly in popularity. Therefore, universities must increase their efforts to gain more students in the field of computer engineering, since, after all, computer-based industries are still the largest in the world today.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?
The Intermountain chain of hospitals launched a program a few years back to reduce the incidence of employee and patient injuries during lifting and transferring of the patients. Reduction of such injuries is leading to an estimated savings of $500K annually; however, the extra training and equipment expenditure to implement the program cost around the same annually. Therefore, except for the intangible benefit of employee satisfaction and longer employee tenure, the program has not led to any economic benefit for the company.
Which of the following statements, if true, most seriously weakens the above argument?
In parts of Africa, a new skin disease known as Bluemia has been discovered. People affected with this disease develop blue marks on their skin. The most prevalent medicine used to cure Bluemia is Pricin, which has been shown to be effective in curing blue marks. However, using Pricin for treating Bluemia is not wise since another medicine called Pheramycin not only treats the blue marks but also cures the mild fever generally associated with Bluemia.
Which of the following option statements, if true, would help support the continued use of Pricin as the cure for Bluemia?
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