Assertion (A): An open-door policy fosters a culture of transparency and trust within an organization.
Reason (R): Open-door policies are primarily designed to reduce employee turnover rates.
Assertion (A): Workers' participation in management enhances collaboration and leads to better decision-making outcomes for both employees and management.
Reason (R): The effectiveness of participation depends solely on the management's willingness to share information and make decisions collaboratively.
Which of the following principles of worker participation in management emphasizes the importance of a democratic environment?
What is the primary function of works councils within an organization?
Assertion (A): Employee representatives on boards can significantly influence corporate governance and strategic decision-making.
Reason (R): Co-determination is primarily utilized in countries with strong labor unions and is ineffective in non-unionized environments.
What is one key benefit of involving workers in management decisions?
Assertion (A): Joint consultation committees serve as a vital mechanism for fostering communication between management and employee representatives.
Reason (R): These committees are primarily established to address workplace grievances without involving employee unions.
What is the primary goal of workers' participation in management?
Statement 1: Trust and faith between management and workers are crucial for effective participation in management.
Statement 2: Regular discussions on work conditions are unnecessary if the management is perceived as fair.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Statement 1: Worker participation in management enhances understanding between employees and management, leading to a more harmonious work environment.
Statement 2: Increased worker participation can lead to higher levels of conflict and misunderstanding within the organization.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
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