For black body radiation, entropy varies with temperature as Find the value of α?
For a fermi gas (in 8 dimension) value of the ratio Cp/CV is?
A quantity of heat ΔH is transferred from a large heat reservoir at temperature T to another large heat reservoir at temperature T/2. The heat reservoir have such large capacities that there is no observable change in true temperature. The ratio of the entropy change of the entire system to the entropy change in heat reservoir at temperature T/2 is?
At high temperature, entropy of a spin half system is equal to NkB time the natural logarithm of what number?
Virial of a system is defined as V = Σqipi , where qi is a generalized coordinate and pi conjugate momentum. Value of V for a system consisting of N particles at temperature T is equal to aNkBT. Find the value of constant a?
Entropy of a system of N classical harmonic oscillator having frequency ω and at temperature T is given by Find the value of constant x?
The temperature of a cavity of fixed volume is doubled. Its energy increases by α times whereas number of photons increase by β times. Then calculate α/β?
For non interacting fermions entropy value with temperature for T → 0 as . Find the value of α.
The mean internal energy of a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator in equilibrium with a heat bath of temperature T is in the units of kBT.
A system of N particles is enclosed in a volume V at a temperature T. The logarithm of the partition function is given by ln Z = N ln{V – bN}(kBT)3/2 , where b is a constant with approximate dimensions. The internal energy of the gas in the units of NkBT is given as?