निम्नलिखित में से वर्तनी की दृष्टि से कौन-सा शब्द सही नहीं है?
Which equipment is used to level the ground and spread the loose material?
The distribution factor of BC and CB of the continuous beam shown in the given figure are ______ respectively.
Which chemical is used as a soil treatment in termite proofing.
Identify the most accurate brick bond shown in the image:
A cantilever beam is having Young's modulus E = 2 × 105 N/mm2 , Moment of Inertia I = 8 x 107 mm4 and length = 2500 mm. What is the uniformly distributed load which the beam can carry in order to produce a deflection of 5 mm at the free end?
How is an influence line diagram constructed?
Which of the stone masonry is the cheapest, roughest and poorest form ?
The moment of inertia of a hollow circular section about its centroidal axis is:
Where, D = diameter of outer circle
d = diameter of inner circle
If there are m unknown member forces, r unknown reaction components and j number of joints, then the degree of static indeterminacy of a pin-jointed plane frame is given by:
What is the area (m2) of the influence line diagram for the reaction at the hinged end of a uniform propped cantilever beam of span 'L' m?
How many times the compactive energy is used in IS heavy compaction test in comparison to IS light compaction test?
A beam ABC is simply supported at A and B with an overhang BC as shown in the figure below. It carries loads as shown in the figure. If both reactions are equal, then W will be equal to
The ratio of intensity of stress in case of a suddenly applied load to that in case of a gradually applied load is
The area ratio of thin wall sampler should NOT normally exceed more than
A simply supported beam of span 'L' carrying a UDL of W per unit length. If the beam is propped at its centre then in bending moment diagram, the bending moment is zero at a distance of
Baluster in staircase is the _________ member supporting _________
What is the force in the member BC of the plane frame shown below?