Which light colour promotes the greatest amount of photosynthesis?
In which of the following Puranas, the five characteristics of Puranas are mentioned?
With reference to Delhi Sultanate consider the following statements.
1. Sultangarhi was built by Sultan Iltutmish.
2. Located in Delhi, it is the first tomb built by Turks.
Select the correct answer using the code given below :
As per ICAO, for airports serving big aircrafts, the crosswind component should not exceed
Consider the following statements:
P. Minimum diameter of 150 mm sewer shall be adopted for a population less than 1 lakh.
Q. Minimum diameter of 200 mm sewer shall be adopted for a population more than 1 lakh.
R. Minimum diameter of 100 mm sewer shall be adopted in Hilly areas.
Which of the above statements is/are correct as per CPHEEO?
Select the correct statement from the following:
Who among the following scientists gave the runoff calculation formula R = 0.85 P - 30.5 for ghat areas?
(Where R = runoff in cm, P = rainfall in cm)
Select the option that is appropriate regarding the following two statements labelled Assertion and Reason.
Assertion: Due to the inherent nature of various parameters involved in the process, the yield from a catchment is a random variable.
Reason: The yield from a catchment is the end-product of various processes such as precipitation, infiltration and evapotranspiration operating on the catchment.
A parabolic vertical curve is set out connecting a +0.7% grade to a -0.6% grade. The chainage and R.L. of the point of intersection are 1000 m 250 m respectively. The admissible rate of change of grade is 0.05% per 20 m. The chainage of the tangent points will be
As per IS 10500 : 2012, the maximum desirable limits of iron and fluorides for drinking water are
What is the relationship between the flying height (H), the focal length (f), the air base (B) and the photo base (b)?
An angle measured with theodolite is α with weight 2. The weight of a/4 will be
If the base period of a 6 hr. unit hydrograph of a basin is 84 hr. then, the base period of a 12 hr. unit hydrograph of the same basin will be
With reference to lining of a canal which of the following statement is/are correct?
i. It is necessary to minimize the seepage loss in canal.
ii. It increases the discharge in the canal section by increasing the velocity.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below :
Muskingum method of routing satisfies the equation
The zero graduation in a prismatic compass is marked in the,