Which kind of adverb is the word in capitals? -
"When he knocked on the door, he was asked to come INSIDE."
Which kind of adverb is the word in capitals? -
"Arvind coughed LOUDLY to attract attention."
Which kind of adverb is the word in capitals? -
"When the child cried, the mother took the child OUTSIDE."
Which kind of adverb is the word in capitals? -
"The boy ate the chocolates GREEDILY."
Which kind of adverb is the word in capitals? -
"He is so gentle that he NEVER shoots at animals."
Which kind of adverb is the word in capitals? -
"Mothers look GENTLY at their babies."
Which kind of adverb is the word in capitals? -
"He was so angry that he HARDLY noticed what she was saying."
Which kind of adverb is the word in capitals? -
"She received an invitation to attend a function and she is QUITE sure she will attend."
Which kind of adverb is the word in capitals? -
"The airline passengers were COMPLETELY exhausted after their long flight."
Which kind of adverb is the word in capitals? -
"The watchman FREQUENTLY makes a round of the office building."
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