Half life period of a first-order reaction is 1386 seconds. The specific rate constant of the reaction is: [2009]
For the reaction A + B → products, it is observed that: [2009]
(1) On doubling the initial concentration of A only, the rate of reaction is also doubled and
(2) On doubling the initial concentrations of both A and B, there is a change by a factor of 8 in the rate of the reaction.
The rate of this reaction is given by:
For the reaction the value of rate of disappearance of N2O5 is given as 6.25 × 10–3 mol L–1s–1. The rate of formation of NO2 and O2 is given respectively as : [2010]
For an endothermic reaction, energy of activation is Ea and enthalpy of reaction of ΔH (both of these in kJ/mol). Minimum value of Ea will be. [2010]
During the kinetic study of the reaction, 2A + B → C + D, following results were obtained:
Based on the above data which one of the following is correct? [2010]
The rate of the reaction is given by the rate equation rate = k [NO]2 [Cl2] [2010] The value of the rate constant can be increased by:
Which one of the following statements for the order of a reaction is incorrect ? [2011]
For the reaction , the equilibrium constant is K1. The equilibrium constant is K2 for the reaction [2011]
.What is K for the reaction
The rate of the reaction can be written in three ways :
The relationship between k and k' and between k and k"are :
[2011 M]
The unit of rate constant for a zero order reaction is [2011 M]
In a reaction, A + B → Product, rate is doubled when the concentration of B is doubled, and rate increases by a factor of 8 when the concentrations of both the reactants (A and B) are doubled rate, law for the reaction can be written as : [2012]
In a zero-order reaction for every 10° rise of temperature, the rate is doubled. If the temperature is increased from 10°C to 100°C, the rate of the reaction will become : [2012]
Activation energy (Ea) and rate constants (k1 and k2) of a chemical reaction at two different temperatures (T1 and T2) are related by : [2012 M]
What is the activation energy for a reaction if its rate doubles when the temperature is raised from 20°C to 35°C? (R = 8.314 J mol–1 K–1) [NEET 2013]
A reaction having equal energies of activation for forward and reverse reaction has : [NEET 2013]
A reaction is 50% completed in 2 hours and 75% completed in 4 hours. The order of reaction is [NEET Kar. 2013]
For a reaction between A and B the order with respect to A is 2 and the order with respect to B is 3. The concentrations of both A and B are doubled, the rate will increase by a factor of: [NEET Kar. 2013]
For an exothermic reaction, the energy of activation of the reactants is [1994]
A substance 'A' decomposes by a first or der reaction starting initially with [A] = 2.00 m and after 200 min, [A] becomes 0.15 m. For this reaction t1/2 is [1995]
In a reaction, A + B → Product, rate is doubled when the concentration of B is doubled, and rate increases by a factor of 8 when the concentrations of both the reactants (A and B) are doubled, rate law for the reaction can be written as
Activation energy of a chemical reaction can be determined by [1998]
In the following reaction , how is the rate of appearance of the underlined product related to the rate of disappearance of the underlined reactant ? [2000]
For the reaction rate and rate constant are 1.02 × 10–4 mol lit–1 sec–1 and 3.4 × 10–5 sec–1 respectively then concentration of N2O5 at that time will be [2001]
, rate of reaction
is equal to
The temperature dependence of rate constant (k) of a chemical reaction is written in terms of Arrhenius equation, . Activation energy
of the reaction can be calculated by plotting [2003]
If the rate of the reaction is equal to the rate constant, the order of the reaction is [2003]
For the reaction 2A + B → 3C + D which of the following does not express the reaction rate ? [2006]
The reaction of hydrogenandiodine monochloride is given as: [2007]
The reaction is of first order with respect to H2(g) and ICI(g), following mechanisms were proposed.
Mechanism A:
Mechanism B:
Which of the above mechanism(s) can be consistent with the given information about the reaction?
The rate constants k1 and k2 for two different reactions are 1016 . e–2000/T and 1015 . e–1000/T, respectively. The temperature at which k1 = k2 is :
For the reaction, , [2009]
the value of
would be dt:
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