If A is 50% more than C and B is 25% less than C, A is what percent more/less than B?
The population of a village is 1200. 58.33% of the total population are males. 50% of males and 60% of females of the village are literate. What is the total illiterate population of the village?
A number is divided into two parts in such a way that 75% of the 1st part is 12 less than 30% of the 2nd part and 50% of the 2nd part is 56 more than 80% of the 1st part. What is the number?
Out of two numbers, 66.67% of the bigger number is equal to 90% of the smaller number. If the sum of the numbers is 188, what is the value of the greater number?
If x% of y% of 125 is the same as 5% of 900, what is the product of x and y?
Due to an increment in the price of the ticket of a theater by 25%, the number of visitors decreased by 22.50%. By what percentage does the collection of the theater decrease?
In a village 52% of the population are males and the rest are females. If 60% of the males and 70% of the females are literate, what percentage of the total population of the village is illiterate?
The length of a rectangle increases by 20% while its breadth decreases by 12.5%. What is the percentage increase/decrease in the area of the rectangle?
In 2020, the population of a town was 60,000. In 2021 it increased by 20% over the previous year and in 2022 it decreased by 5% over the previous year. What is the difference between the population of the town in 2020 and 2022?
A, B, C and D are four numbers. D is 80% of C which is 20% less than B, which is 200% more than A. If the difference between A and D is 46, what is the value of B?
If the savings of Kalyan is 125% of his expenditure, his expenditure is what percentage of his income?
What is to be subtracted from 81% of 600 so that the answer must be equal to 40% of 300?
In a class, 60% of the strength are boys and the rest are girls. If 80% of the boys and three-fourth of the girls are present in the class, what is the percentage of strength which is absent in the class?
The difference between a number and 12.50% of the same number is 252. What is 44.44% of the number?
In a match, A scored 6.25% fewer runs than B. The runs scored by B were what percentage more than that by A?
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