Which among the following compound, nitrogen shows the oxidation state of +5?
Ammonia has a higher boiling point and is less volatile because of
Which compound is used as the cooling liquid in refrigerators?
At what temperature white phosphorous changes to red phosphorous?
Elements of which group are known as ore forming elements?
The stability of hydrides of group 16 elements decreases in the order
Which among the following does not exhibit positive oxidation state?
Hydrogen sulphide reacts with lead acetate forming a black compound which reacts with hydrogen peroxide to form another compound. The colour of the compound is
Which of the following is prepared by cyanamide process?
Which of the following oxides reacts with both HCl and NaOH?
A metal X on heating in nitrogen gas gives Y. Y on treatment with water gives a colourless gas which when passed through copper sulphate solution gives a blue colour. Y is
The reagent used to distinguish between H2O2 and O3 is:
When chlorine is passed through concentrated hot solution of KOH, the compound formed is
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