The system with the open loop transfer function 1/s(1+s) is:
The identical first order system have been cascaded non-interactively. The unit step response of the systems will be:
A third order system is approximated to an equivalent second order system. The rise time of this approximated lower order system will be:
A system has a single pole at origin. Its impulse response will be:
When the period of the observation is large, the type of the error will be:
When the unit step response of a unity feedback control system having forward path transfer function G (s) =80/s(s+18)?
With negative feedback in a closed loop control system, the system sensitivity to parameter variation:
An underdamped second order system with negative damping will have the roots :
Given a unity feedback system with G (s) =K/ s (s+4). What is the value of K for a damping ratio of 0.5?
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