The system of scientific forestry stands for :
Indian Forest Service was set up in the year ?
Which of the following categories of forests is considered as the best on the basis of their utility ?
Which of the following is not associated with swidden agriculture ?
The Imperial Forest Institute was set up at:
In which year the Bastar rebellion took place ?
Why did the government decide to ban shifting cultivation ?
Colonial rulers considered forests as unproductive because :
Which of the following trees were promoted for building ships or railways ?
500 different plant species can be found in one forest patch in ?
Industrialization resulted in loss of what % of forests ?
Which of the following was the reason for forests disappearing near railway tracks ?
Which of the' following was the factor in development of timber plantations ?
Which of the following was not a feature of 'scientific forestry' ?
Forests were categorized by the Forest Act of ?
Which of the following is not a feature of shifting cultivation ?
Which of the following species of trees were suited for building ships and railways ?
Local name for Swidden Agriculture in India :
In which parts is Swidden agriculture practised ?
What was not a factor in discouragement of shifting agriculture ?
Which of the following was true under colonial rule ?
Who among the following was leader of rebel foresters in Andhra Pradesh ?
Bastar people believe each village was given land by :
Which of the following was not a feature of blandongdiensten system ?
Which of the following is a new development in forestry ?
Which among the following is the main reason for survival of some dense forests in India ?
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