A radioactive sample with a half life of 1 monthhas the label : ‘Activity = 2 micro curies on 1–8–1991. What would be its activity two monthsearlier ? [1988]
The nucleus after two successive β – decay will give
A radioactive element has half life period 800 years. After 6400 years what amount will remain? [1989]
An element A decays into element C by a two step process
then [1989]
Ultraviolet radiations of 6.2 eV falls on analuminium surface. K.E. of fastest electronemitted is (work function = 4.2 eV) [1989]
The average binding energy of a nucleon insidean atomic nucleus is about [1989]
The nuclei 6C13 and 7N14 can be described as [1990]
Which of the following statements is true fornuclear forces? [1990]
The ratio of the radii of the nuclei 13Al27 and 52Te125 is approximately [1990]
The nucleus 126C absorbs an energetic neutronand emits a beta particle (β). The resultingnucleus is [1990]
The constituents of atomic nuclei are believedto be [1991]
The half life of radium is 1600 years. The fractionof a sample of radium that would remain after6400 years [1991]
An electron with (rest mass m0) moves with a speed of 0.8 c. Its mass when it moves with this speed is [1991]
In the nucleus of 11Na23, the number of protons,neutrons and electrons are [1991]
If the nuclear force between two protons, two neutrons and between proton and neutron is denoted by Fpp, Fnn and Fpn respectively, then [1991]
The energy equivalent of one atomic mass unitis [1992]
The mass of α-particle is [1992]
The mass density of a nucleus varies with massnumber A as [1992]
In a given reaction
Radioactive radiations are emitted in thesequence of [1993]
The binding energy per nucleon is maximum in case of
Energy released in the fission of a single nucleus is 200 MeV. The fission rate of a filled reactor operating at a power level of 5 W is [1993]
If the binding energy per nucleon in and nuclei are respectively 5.60 MeV and 7.06 MeV, then the energy of proton in the reaction [1994]
Heavy water is used as a moderator in a nuclearreactor. The function of the moderator is[1994]
The mass number of He is 4 and that for sulphur is 32. The radius of sulphur nuclei is larger than that of helium by [1994, 1995]
The nature of ions knocked out from hotsurfaces is [1995]
What is the respective number of α and β particles emitted in the following radioactive decay ? [1995]
The count rate of a Geiger Muller counter for theradiation of a radioactive material of half-life 30minutes decreases to 5 sec–1 after 2 hours. Theinitial count rate was [1995]
A nucleus ruptures into two nuclear parts, whichhave their velocity ratio equal to 2:1. What willbe the ratio of their nuclear size (nuclear radius)? [1996]
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