What was the most popular movement against the British raj?
During the raj period, how much of the subcontinent area was under the control of Nawabs and Maharajas?
Who was initially unwilling to join the constituent assembly?
Who debated the proposals in the constituent assembly?
How many members did the constituent assembly have?
Who played a vital role in the drafting of several reports?
Who prepared a series of background papers based on a close study of the political systems obtaining in other countries?
Who was responsible for guiding the draft constitution through the assembly?
Who saw the dark hand of British imperialism hanging over the constituent assembly’s deliberations?
Who was in charge of the interim administration?
The constituent assembly was expected to express the aspirations of those who had participated in the movement for what?
What year did Nehru want India to be independent?
Who declared that the constitution’s makers had to fulfill “the passions that lie in the hearts of the masses”?
Who made a powerful plea for continuing separate electorates?
Who said that the English played their game under cover of safeguards?
Who was one of the tribals' representatives to the assembly?
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