When 1 is added to the greatest 3-digit number, what is the result?
When 1 is added to the greatest 2-digit number, what is the result?
Which is the greatest and the smallest 4 digit number?
When 1 is subtracted from the smallest 5-digit number, what is the result?
When 1 is subtracted from smallest 4-digit number, what is the result?
When 1 is subtracted from smallest 3-digit number what is the result?
If we add 1 more to the greatest 6-digit number we get
If we add 1 more to the greatest 5-digit number we get
If we add 1 more to the greatest 4-digit number we get
If we add 1 more to the greatest 3-digit number we get
If we add 1 more to the greatest 2-digit number we get
Write the numeral for the number Nine crore five lakh forty one.
The least number that is divisible by all the numbers from 1 to 10 (both inclusive) is
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