During the dark reactions of photosynthesis :–
The first stable product of photosynthesis in C-3 plants is :–
The enzyme that fixes atmospheric CO2 in C4 plants is :–
During photosynthesis when PGA is changed into phosphoglyceraldehyde which of the following reaction occur :–
Carbon refixation in C4 plants occurs in chloroplasts of :–
Tropical plants like sugarcane show high efficiency of CO2 fixation because of :–
What is the first stable intermediate product of photosynthesis :–
All the reactions from the reduction of CO2 to the formation of sugar are included in :–
Ribulosediphosphate carboxylase enzyme, catalyse the carboxylation reaction between
In case of C-4 pathway, in the first step is
The enzyme which catalyzes the photosynthetic C4 cycle is
Number of ATP molecules requried for regeneration phase of RUBP during synthesis of 1 glucose molecule.
Which of the following is likely to be the first substance that a green plant makes in photosynthesis :–
Isotopes employed to study the process of photosynthesis reaction.
Chloroplast is present in bundle sheath cells of
How many type of photosynthetic cells occur in C4 plant is
Bundle sheath chloroplast of C4 plant are :–
Most efficient photosynthesis & presence of bundle sheath chloroplast are characteristics of
In C4 pathway the fixation of CO2 by PEPCase occurs in
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