If the cube roots of unity are 1, ω, ω2, then the roots of the equation (x – 1)3 + 8 = 0 are (1979)
The smallest positive integer n for which (1980)
= 1 is
The complex numbers z = x+ iy which satisfy the equation lie on....... (1981 - 2 Marks)
The inequality |z – 4| < |z –2| represents the region given by (1982 - 2 Marks)
If z = x + iy and ω = (1 - iz) /( z - i) , then |ω|= 1 implies that, in the complex plane, (1983 - 1 Mark)
The points z1, z2, z3 z4 in the complex plane are the vertices of a parallelogram taken in order if and only if (1983 - 1 Mark)
If a, b, c and u, v, w are complex numbers representing the vertices of two triangles such that c = (1 – r) a + rb and w = (1 – r)u + rv, where r is a complex number, then the two trian gles (1985 - 2 Marks)
If ω (≠1) is a cube root of unity and (1 + ω)7 = A + B ω then A and B are respectively (1995S)
Let z and ω be two non zero complex numbers such that |z| = |ω| and Arg z+ Arggω = π, then z equals (1995S)
Let z and ω be two complex numbers such that |z| ≤1, |ω| ≤ 1 and |z + iω| = | z – i | = 2 then z equals (1995S)
For positive integers n1, n2 the value of the expression (1 + i)n1 + (1 + i3)n1 + (1+ i5)n2 + (1+i7)n2 , where i = – is a real number if and only if (1996 - 1 Marks)
If i = , then 4 + 5 + 3 is equal to (1999 - 2 Marks)
If arg(z) < 0, then arg (-z) - arg(z) = (2000S)
If z1, z2 and z3 are complex numbers such that (2000S)
|z1| = |z2| = |z3| = = 1, then |z1 +z2 +z3| is
Let z1 an d z2 be nth roots of unity which subtend a right angle at the origin . Then n must be of the form (2001S)
The complex numbers z1, z2 and z3 satisfying are the vertices of a triangle which is
For all complex numbers z1, z2 satisfying |z1|=12 and | z2-3-4i| = 5, the minimum value of |z1-z2| is (2002S)
If |z| = 1 and ω = ( where Z ≠ 1) , then Re(ω) is
If ω(≠1) be a cube root of unity and (1 + ω2)n = (1 + ω4)n, then the least positive value of n is (2004S)
The locus of z which lies in shaded region (excluding the boundaries) is best represented by (2005S)
a, b, c are integers, not all simultaneously equal and ω is cube root of unity (ω ≠ 1), then minimum value of |a + bω + cω2| is (2005S)
Let ω =- +i then the value of the det.
(2002 - 2 Marks)
If is purely real where w = α + iβ, β ≠ 0 and z ≠ 1,then the set of the values of z is (2006 - 3M, –1)
A man walks a distance of 3 units from the origin towards the north-east (N 45° E) direction. From there, he walks a distance of 4 units towards the north-west (N 45° W) direction to reach a point P. Then the position of P in the Argand plane is (2007 -3 marks)
If |z| = 1 and z ≠ ± 1, then all the values of lie on (2007 -3 marks)
A particle P starts from the point z0 = 1 + 2i, where i = .It moves horizontally away from origin by 5 units and then vertically away from origin by 3 units to reach a point z1.From z1 the particle moves units in the direction of the vector and then it moves through an angle in anticlockwise direction on a circle with centre at origin, to reach a point z2. The point z2 is given by (2008)
Let z = cosθ + i sinθ. Then the value of
at θ = 2° is (2009)
Let z = x + iy be a complex number where x and y are integers.Then the area of the rectangle whose vertices are the roots of the equation : (2009)
Let z be a complex number such that the imaginary part of z is non-zero and a = z2 + z + 1 is real. Then a cannot take the value
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