Directions: Some statements are given, followed by three conclusions I, II and III. You have to consider the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follow from the given statements. Indicate your answer.
All chickens are birds.
Some chickens are hens.
Female birds lay eggs.
I. All birds lay eggs.
II. Some hens are birds.
III. Some chickens are not hens.
Mike and Papu start walking in opposite directions from a point O and travel 3 km. Then, Mike turns right and covers 4 km, Papu also turns right and covers 4 km. Find out the distance between Mike and Papu.
Which statement is incorrect about the 'Chief Minister's Mannuyir Kaathu Mannuyir Kaappom' scheme inaugurated in 2024?
What number should be added to each of the numbers 35, 115, 53 and 165, so that the resulting numbers are in continued proportion?
What is the percentage increase in the number of audience in screen 1 from second show to third show?
In an examination, Anita scored 31% marks and failed by 16 marks. Sunita scored 40% marks and obtained 56 marks more than those required to pass. Find the minimum marks required to pass.
274 docs|133 tests