If the letters of the word “LEARNING” are arranged in ascending Order. How many letters are there whose position will not Change?
How many such pairs are there in the word “LEARNING” which have as many letters between them as in the alphabet series?
With the help of 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 6th letters of the word “LEARNING” each letter used ones, how many meaningful Words can be formed?
If the letters of the word “ADJUSTMENT” are arranged in descending order, how many letters are there whose position will not change?
How many such pairs are there in the word “ADJUSTMENT” which have as many letters between them as in the alphabet series?
With the help of 1st, 7th, 8th and 10th letter of the word “ADJUSTMENT” each used ones, how many meaningful Words can be formed?
Which of the following word will be the third according to the English dictionary?
If it is possible to make only one meaningful English word with the third ans fourth letters of the word ROOF, together with the first and second letter of the word MASH, then which of the following will be the first letter of the newly formed word? if no such word can be formed give “X” as the answer and if more than one such word can be formed give “Y” as the answer.
If it is possible to make only one meaningful English word with the first, seventh and the third letters of the word ‘PRODUCTION’, then which of the following will be the first letter of the newly formed word? if no such word can be formed give “X” as the answer and if more than one such word can be formed give “J” as the answer, if no such word can be formed mark ‘C’ as the answer.
How many meaningful words of 5 letters can be made with the letters K, E, D, H, I each being used once in each word?
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2 videos|77 docs|469 tests