Which of the following statements is true about DNA replication?
How many structural genes are present in a lac operon?
A single strand of nucleic acid tagged with a radioactive molecule is called?
What does the structural gene (y) of a lac operon code for?
A DNA segment which serves as a kind of “ON-OFF switch” for transcription is a/an
Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched with regard to the codon and the amino acid coded by it?
What is the regulation of a lac operon by a repressor known as?
Why are UGA, UAG and UAA called termination codons?
Removal of introns and joining of exons in a defined order during transcription is called?
What does "lac" refer to in what we call the lac operon?
The sequence of structural gene in lac operon concept is
What does X replesent in the followwing diagram:
Autoradiogram of VNTR probe gives many band of different size. It differ from individual to individual except
In human genome project, commonly used host were bacteria and yeast and their vectors are called as
Assertion: Genetic map up of an organism or individual lies in the DNA sequence.
Reason: If two individual differs, then their DNA sequence should also be different.
How many bases are required for coding 20 amino acids?
Genetic and physical map of genome was generated using information on
a. Polymorphism of restriction endonuclease recognition sites.
b. Repetitive DNA sequence called microsatellites.
DNA is made of two chains that twist about one another in the shape of a _______.
Assertion: UAA codon is a termination codon.
Reason: If in a mRNA, a termination codon is present, the protein synthesis stops abruptly whether the protein synthesis is complete or not.
The sensitivity of fingerprinting technique has been increased by use of
Statement I: DNA finger printing is highly reliable method of identification of individual involved in crimes.
Statement II: DNA a fingerprinting is a sure method in solving paternity and maternity disputes.
Statement III: DNA fingerprinting can be used to cure HIV infection.
The hybridization of probes having radioactive isotopes with various sequence of nitrogen bases with ssVNTR is called?
In prokaryotes, the predominant site for control of gene expression is the :
Assertion: VNTR of two persons may be similar at certain sites but could be different at other sites.
Reason: A child inherits 50% of chromosomes from mother and remaining 50% from father.
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