The characteristics equation of a control system is given as
s4 + 8s3 + 24s2 + 32s + k = 0
What is the range of values of K for this system to be stable ?
Consider the equation
s2 + 2s + 2 + K (s+2) = 0
Where do the roots of this equation break on the root loci plot ?
How many number of branches the roots loci of the equation
(s+20 (s+3)+ K (s+1) =0 Have ?
The characteristic equation of a control system is given as
s4+ 4s3 + 4s2 + 3s + K = 0
What is the value of K for which this system is marginally stable ?
The transfer function of a controller is given as
kp + kd.s where Kp and Kd are constant.
What type of controller is this ?
The transfer function of a controller is given as
kp + Kd.s + Ki/s where Kp, Kd and Ki are constant.
What types of controller is this ?
A linear time-invariant system initially at rest, when subjected to a unit -step input, gives a response y(t) = te- t > 0 . The transfer function of the system is :
If the gain of the system is reduced to zero value, the roots of the system in the s-plane
The addition of open loop zero pulls the root-loci towards
In the Bode plot of a unity feedback control system, the value of phase angle of G(jw) is -90º at the gain cross over frequency of the bode plot, the phase margin of the system is
The Nyquist plot of loop transfer function G(s) H(s) of a closed loop control system passes through the point (–1, j0) is the G(s) H(s) plane. The phase margin of the system is
The transfer function for the state representation of continuous time LTI system :
q(t) = Aq(t) + b×(t)
y(t) = cq(t) + d×(t) is given by
Where are the K=0 point on the root loci of the characteristic equation of the closed loop control system located at ?
If the gain margin of a system in decibedls is negative, the system is
An electrical network shown in figure. What type of compensator in this ?
The circuit diagram of an electrical network is given in figure. What type of compensator is this?
Given a unity feedback system with G(s) = ,the value of K for damping ratio of 0.75 is
The type of system which is used for determination of static error constants is determination from the number of
The time taken for the output to settle within + 2% of step input for the control system represented by is given by
The effect of integral controller on the steady state error (ess) and the relative stability (Rs) of the system are
A proportional integral (P|) controller results in which of the following ?
A Phase lead compensating network has its transfer function
The maximum phase lead occurs at a frequency of
A system is described by the transfer function The dc gain of the system is
25 docs|23 tests