Two meters X and Y require 40 mA and 50 mA, respectively, to give full-scale deflection, then
What is the correct sequence of the following types of ammeters and voltmeters with increasing accuracy?
1. Moving iron
2. Moving-coil permanent magnet
3. Induction
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
The total current I = I1 + I2 in a circuit is measured as I1 = 150 ± 1 A, I2 = 250 ± 2 A, where the limits of error are given as standard deviations. I is measured as
For the bridge shown in the given figure,
Consider the following statements associated with moving iron instruments:
1. These can be used in d.c. as well a.c. circuits
2. The scale is non-uniform
3. The moving iron is placed in a field of a permanent magnet.
Which of these statements are correct?
In an oscilloscope, two Lissajous figure (X) and (Y) are observed. This indicates that ratio of vertical input signal frequency to that of horizontal input frequency are
A spring controlled moving iron voltmeter draws a current of 1 mA for full scale value of 100 V. If it draws a current of 0.5 mA, the meter reading is
In the measurement of power on balanced load by two Wattmeter method in a 3-phase circuit, the readings of the Wattmeters are 3 kW and 1 kW respectively, the latter being obtained after reversing the connections to the current coil. The power factor of the load is
Two types of connections of Wattmeter pressure coil are shown in the figures.
The value of the Wattmeter current coil resistance r, which makes the connection errors the same in the two cases is
In calibration of a dynamometer Wattmeter by potentiometer, phantom loading arrangement is used because
The accuracy of Kelvin's double bridge for the measurement of low resistance is high because the bridge
An energy-meter having a meter constant of 1200 rev per kWH is found to make 5 revolutions in 75 s. The load power is
The difference between the Indicated value and the true value of a quantity is
A Wien-bridge is used to measure the frequency of the input signal. However, the input signal has 10% third harmonic distortion. Specifically the signal is 2 sin 400 πt + 0.2 sin 1200 πt (with t insec). With this input the balance will
In a Q-meter measurement to determine the self-capacitance of a coil, the first resonance occurred at f1 with C1 = 300 pF. The second resonance occurred at f2 = 2f1 with C2 = 60 pF. The selfcapacitance of coil works out to be
A multimeter is used for the measurement of the following
1. Both a.c. and d.c. voltage
2. Both a.c. and d.c. current
3. Resistance
4. Frequency
5. Power
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
Three d.c. voltmeters are connected in series across a 120 V d.c. supply. The voltmeters are specified as follows: Voltmeter A : 100 V, 5 mA Voltmeter
B : 100 V, 250 ohms/V Voltmeter
C : 10 mA, 15,000 ohms
The voltages read by the meters A, B and C are respectively
The pressure coil of an induction type energy meter is
The reflecting mirror mounted on the moving coil of a vibration galvanometer is replaced by a bigger size mirror. This will result in
A screen pattern oscillogram, shown in the given figure is obtained when a sine-wave signal of unknown frequency is connected to the vertical input terminals and at the same time, a 600 Hz sinewave voltage is connected to the horizontal input terminals of an oscilloscope
What is the value of unknown frequency?