Bananas can be prevented from over-ripening by[1992]
Flowering dependent on cold treatment is [1992]
Apical dominance is caused by [1992]
In short day plants, flowering is induced by
Cytokinins [1992]
Which is employed for artificial ripening of banana fruits? [1992, 2000]
Abscisic acid causes [1991]
The hormone responsible for a pical dominance is [1991]
A chemical believed to be involved in flowering is [1991, 95]
Tendrils exhibit/twining of tendrils is due to [1991]
Highest auxin concentration occurs [1990]
Phytohormones are : [1990]
Abscisic acid controls [1990]
Phototropic and geotropic movements are linked to : [1990]
Which of the following movement is not related to auxin level [1990]
Which of the following hormones can replace vernalisation? [1989]
Leaf fall can be prevented with the help of
Mowing grass lawn facilitates better maintenance because [1989]
Which one increases in the absence of light?
Leaves of many grasses are capable of folding and unfolding because they [1989]
Hormone primarily connected with cell division is [1988, 1991]
Cut or excised leaves remain green for long if induced to root or dipped in [1988]
Gibberellins promote [1988, 97]
Phytochrome is involved in [1988]
Movement of leaves of Sensitive Plant, Mimosa pudica are due to [1988, 99]
33 docs|83 tests