An LCR series circuit with 100Ω resistance is connected to an AC source of 200V and angular frequency 300 radians per second. When only the capacitance is removed, the current lags the voltage by 60°. When only the inductance is removed, the current leads the voltage by 60°. Then the current and power dissipated in LCR circuit are respectively.
In the circuit diagram shown, XC = 100Ω, XL = 200Ω and R =100Ω. The effective current through the source is :
An ac source of angular frequency ω is fed across a resistor R and a capacitor C in series. The current registered is I. If now the frequency of source is changed to ω/3 (but maintaining the same voltage), the current in the circuit is found to be halved. Then the ratio of reactance to resistance at the original frequency ω is
Current in an ac circuit is given by i = 3sin ωt + 4cos ωt, then :
A current source sends a current i = i0 cos ωt. When connected across an unknown load gives a voltage output of across that load. Then voltage across the current source may be brought in phase with the current through it by:
In series LCR circuit voltage drop across resistance is 8Volt, across inductor is 6Volt and across capacitor is 12Volt. Then:
For a LCR series circuit with an AC source of angular frequency ω
The secondary coil of an ideal step down transformer is delivering 500W power at 12.5A current. If the ratio of turns in the primary to the secondary is 5 : 1, then the current flowing in the primary coil will be :
A bulb is rated at 100V, 100W, it can be treated as a resistor. Find out the inductance of an inductor (called choke coil) that should be connected in series with the bulb to operate the bulb at its rated power with the help of an ac source of 200V and 50Hz.
In a black box of unknown elements (L, C or R or any other combination) an AC voltage is applied and current in the circuit was found to be
Then the unknown elements in the box may be: