Direction: Q.1 to Q.10 are Quantitative Aptitude questions
A series of book was published at seven year intervals. When the seventh book was published the total sum of publication year was 13, 524. First book was published in?
A tree of height 36m is on one edge of a road broke at a certain height. It fell in such a way that the top of the tree touches the other edge of the road. If the breadth of the road is 12m, then what is the height at which the tree broke?
Which of the following numbers must be added to 5678 to give a reminder 35 when divided by 460?
A girl entered a store and bought x flowers for y dollars (x and y are integers). When she was about to leave, the clerk said, “If you buy 10 more flowers I will give you all for $$2, and you will save 80 cents a dozen”. The values of x and y are?
A person travels 6km towards west, then travels 5km towards north ,then finally travels 6km towards west. Where is he with respect to his starting position?
The difference between the compound and simple interest on a certain sum for 2 years at the rate of 8% per annum is Rs.80,What is the sum?
A ship went on a voyage. After it had traveled 180 miles a plane started with 10 times the speed of the ship. Find the distance when they meet from starting point
The egg vendor calls on his first customer & sells half his eggs & half an egg. To the 2nd customer he sells half of what he sells half of what he had left & half an egg. & to the 3rd customer he sells half what he had then left & half an egg. By the way he did not break any eggs. In the end three eggs were remaining. How many total eggs he was having?
A 10 Liter mixture of milk and water contains 30 percent water. Two liters of this mixture is taken away. How many liters of water should now be added so that the amount of milk in the mixture is double that of water?
X = 101102103104105106107......146147148149150 (From numbers 101-150). Find out the remainder when this number is divided by 9.
Direction: Q.11 to Q.20 are Logical Reasoning questions
The sticks of same length are used to form a triangle as shown below. If 87 such sticks are used then how many triangles can be formed?
On door A - It leads to freedom
On door B - It leads to Ghost house
On door C - door B leads to Ghost house
The statement written on one of the doors is wrong.
Identify which door leads to freedom?
54, 45, 41……. What is the next number in the given series?
A man has a job, which requires him to work 8 straight days and rest on the ninth day. If he started work on Monday, find the day of the week on which he gets his 12th rest day.
1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4...... In the above sequence what is the number of the position 2888 of the sequence
What should come in place of the question-mark (?) in the following number series?
5690, 5121, 4552, 3983, 3414, 2845, ....?
1) B is mother of D but D is not daughter of B.
2) A is son of M and brother of G.
3) G is sister of D
Which of the following cannot be referred from the given information ?
What will be code for india ?
Direction: Q.21 to Q.30 are Quantitative Aptitude questions
In questions below, each passage consist of six sentences. The first and sixth sentence are given in the begining. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labelled as P, Q, R and S. Find out the proper order for the four sentences.
S1: Once upon atime there lived three young men in a certain town of Hindustan.
P : All the people of the neighbourhood were mortally afraid of them.
Q : They were so powerful that they could catch growing lions and tear them to pieces.
R : Someone told them that they would become immortal if they killed Death.
S : The young men believed themselves to be very good friends.
S6: All of them set out in search of their foe called Death.
The Proper sequence should be:
Having superior or intellectual interests and tastes?
In this question, an incomplete statement (Stem) followed by fillers is given. Pick out the best one which can complete incomplete stem correctly and meaningfully.
With great efforts his son succeeded in convincing him not to donate his entire wealth to an orphanage ........
In the following questions choose the word which is the exact OPPOSITE of the given word.
Read the each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is 'D'. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any).
Direction: Question no. 26 to 30 are passage questions. Carefully read the passage and mark your answers.
Organisations are institutions in which members compete for status and power. They compete for resource of the organisation, for example finance to expand their own departments, for career advancement and for power to control the activities of others. In pursuit of these aims, grouped are formed and sectional interests emerge. As a result, policy decisions may serve the ends of political and career systems rather than those of the concern. In this way, the goals of the organisation may be displaced in favour of sectional interests and individual ambition. These preoccupations sometimes prevent the emergence of organic systems. Many of the electronic firms in the study had recently created research and development departments employing highly qualified and well paid scientists and technicians. Their high pay and expert knowledge were sometimes seen as a threat to the established order of rank, power and privilege. Many senior managers had little knowledge of technicality and possibilities of new developments and electronics. Some felt that close cooperation with the experts in an organic system would reveal their ignorance and show their experience was now redundant
Q. The theme of the passage is?
Organisations are institutions in which members compete for status and power. They compete for resource of the organisation, for example finance to expand their own departments, for career advancement and for power to control the activities of others. In pursuit of these aims, grouped are formed and sectional interests emerge. As a result, policy decisions may serve the ends of political and career systems rather than those of the concern. In this way, the goals of the organisation may be displaced in favour of sectional interests and individual ambition. These preoccupations sometimes prevent the emergence of organic systems. Many of the electronic firms in the study had recently created research and development departments employing highly qualified and well paid scientists and technicians. Their high pay and expert knowledge were sometimes seen as a threat to the established order of rank, power and privilege. Many senior managers had little knowledge of technicality and possibilities of new developments and electronics. Some felt that close cooperation with the experts in an organic system would reveal their ignorance and show their experience was now redundant.
Q. "Organic system" as related to the organization implies its
Organisations are institutions in which members compete for status and power. They compete for resource of the organisation, for example finance to expand their own departments, for career advancement and for power to control the activities of others. In pursuit of these aims, grouped are formed and sectional interests emerge. As a result, policy decisions may serve the ends of political and career systems rather than those of the concern. In this way, the goals of the organisation may be displaced in favour of sectional interests and individual ambition. These preoccupations sometimes prevent the emergence of organic systems. Many of the electronic firms in the study had recently created research and development departments employing highly qualified and well paid scientists and technicians. Their high pay and expert knowledge were sometimes seen as a threat to the established order of rank, power and privilege. Many senior managers had little knowledge of technicality and possibilities of new developments and electronics. Some felt that close cooperation with the experts in an organic system would reveal their ignorance and show their experience was now redundant.
Q. Policy decision in organization would involve?
Organisations are institutions in which members compete for status and power. They compete for resource of the organisation, for example finance to expand their own departments, for career advancement and for power to control the activities of others. In pursuit of these aims, grouped are formed and sectional interests emerge. As a result, policy decisions may serve the ends of political and career systems rather than those of the concern. In this way, the goals of the organisation may be displaced in favour of sectional interests and individual ambition. These preoccupations sometimes prevent the emergence of organic systems. Many of the electronic firms in the study had recently created research and development departments employing highly qualified and well paid scientists and technicians. Their high pay and expert knowledge were sometimes seen as a threat to the established order of rank, power and privilege. Many senior managers had little knowledge of technicality and possibilities of new developments and electronics. Some felt that close cooperation with the experts in an organic system would reveal their ignorance and show their experience was now redundant.
Q. The author makes out a case for?
Organisations are institutions in which members compete for status and power. They compete for resource of the organisation, for example finance to expand their own departments, for career advancement and for power to control the activities of others. In pursuit of these aims, grouped are formed and sectional interests emerge. As a result, policy decisions may serve the ends of political and career systems rather than those of the concern. In this way, the goals of the organisation may be displaced in favour of sectional interests and individual ambition. These preoccupations sometimes prevent the emergence of organic systems. Many of the electronic firms in the study had recently created research and development departments employing highly qualified and well paid scientists and technicians. Their high pay and expert knowledge were sometimes seen as a threat to the established order of rank, power and privilege. Many senior managers had little knowledge of technicality and possibilities of new developments and electronics. Some felt that close cooperation with the experts in an organic system would reveal their ignorance and show their experience was now redundant
Q. The author tends to the senior managers as?