Which one of the following is correct for a common base configuration of a transistor?
A pnp transistor can be considered to be equivalent to two diodes as shown in figure.
A transistor is used to make a common-base amplifier. If the transistor is npn and when it is biased in the active region, choose the correct option of the following.
The frequency response curve of a RC coupled amplifier is shown in the given diagram.Based on it, what is the bandwidth?
The main function of coupling capacitor in an RC coupled common emitter amplifier is to :
The equivalent electrical circuit of a vibrating crystal is as shown below.
In common emitter mode, the input characteristics of a BJT is the variation of :
A crystal oscillator provides a very stable frequency because of.
For a common base circuit configuration of transistor, the correct relation between emitter (lE), base (lB) and collector (lc) current is :
Which of the following is true for the active region of an NPN transistor?