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Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - NEET MCQ

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15 Questions MCQ Test Biology Class 12 - Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare

Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare for NEET 2025 is part of Biology Class 12 preparation. The Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare questions and answers have been prepared according to the NEET exam syllabus.The Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare MCQs are made for NEET 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare below.
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Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 1

Read the following text and answer the any four questions on the basis of the same:

Large quantities of sewage is generated every day in cities and towns, which is treated in Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) to make it less polluted. Given below is the flow diagram of one of the stages of STP.

Observe the given flow diagram and answer the questions accordingly.

Q. Primary effluent is passed into large aeration tanks:

Detailed Solution for Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 1

The primary effluent is transferred into large aeration tanks where it is constantly agitated mechanically and the air having oxygen is pumped into it which allows fast growth of useful aerobic microbes into flocs (masses of bacteria associated with fungal filaments to form mesh-like structures).

Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 2

Read the following text and answer the any four questions on the basis of the same:

Large quantities of sewage is generated every day in cities and towns, which is treated in Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) to make it less polluted. Given below is the flow diagram of one of the stages of STP.

Observe the given flow diagram and answer the questions accordingly.

Q. Identify the correct set of gases produced during digestion of sludge:

Detailed Solution for Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 2
During this digestion, bacteria produce a mixture of gases such as methane, hydrogen sulphide, and carbon dioxide. These gases form biogas and can be used as a source

of energy. The treated effluent from the secondary treatment plant is generally released into natural water bodies like rivers and streams.

Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 3

Read the following text and answer the any four questions on the basis of the same:

Large quantities of sewage is generated every day in cities and towns, which is treated in Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) to make it less polluted. Given below is the flow diagram of one of the stages of STP.

Observe the given flow diagram and answer the questions accordingly.

Q. Technical term used for sediment formed in sewage treatment is:

Detailed Solution for Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 3

The effluent after primary treatment is passed into the settling tank where the bacterial 'flocs' are allowed to settle down and this sediment is called Activated sludge. A small part of the activated sludge is pumped back into the aeration tank to serve as the inoculum(starter).

Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 4

Read the following text and answer the any four questions on the basis of the same:

Large quantities of sewage is generated every day in cities and towns, which is treated in Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) to make it less polluted. Given below is the flow diagram of one of the stages of STP.

Observe the given flow diagram and answer the questions accordingly.

Q. The technology of biogas production from cow dung was developed in India largely due to the efforts of :

Detailed Solution for Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 4
The technology of biogas production from cow dung was developed in India largely due to the efforts of Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) and Khadi & Village Industries Commission (KVIC) .

So, the correct option is 'Option C' .

Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 5

Read the following text and answer the any four questions on the basis of the same:

Large quantities of sewage is generated every day in cities and towns, which is treated in Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) to make it less polluted. Given below is the flow diagram of one of the stages of STP.

Observe the given flow diagram and answer the questions accordingly.

Q. The significance of the above sediment formed is that:

Detailed Solution for Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 5
The activated sludge is pumped back into the aeration tank to serve as the inoculum(starter).
Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 6

Read the following text and answer any four questions on the basis of the same :

Ecological Indicators : The presence of dragonflies can reveal changes in the water ecosystems more quickly than studying other animals or plants. In fact, from the nymph to the adult stage, the dragonfly has a significant, positive ecological impact. Dragonfly eggs are laid and hatched in or near water, so their lives show an impact on both water and land ecosystems. Once hatched, dragonfly nymphs can breathe in the air or underwater which enables them to eat mosquito larvae, other aquatic insects and worms, and even small aquatic vertebrates like tadpoles and small fish. Adult dragonflies capture and eat adult mosquitoes.

Community wide mosquito control programs that spray insecticides to kill adult mosquitoes also kill dragonflies.

Q. The approach to biological control includes :

Detailed Solution for Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 6
The approach to biological control includes Preservation of natural enemies(predators & parasites) that are already established in an area.
Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 7

Read the following text and answer any four questions on the basis of the same :

Ecological Indicators : The presence of dragonflies can reveal changes in the water ecosystems more quickly than studying other animals or plants. In fact, from the nymph to the adult stage, the dragonfly has a significant, positive ecological impact. Dragonfly eggs are laid and hatched in or near water, so their lives show an impact on both water and land ecosystems. Once hatched, dragonfly nymphs can breathe in the air or underwater which enables them to eat mosquito larvae, other aquatic insects and worms, and even small aquatic vertebrates like tadpoles and small fish. Adult dragonflies capture and eat adult mosquitoes.

Community wide mosquito control programs that spray insecticides to kill adult mosquitoes also kill dragonflies.

Q. The most effective stages in the life cycle of dragonfly are eradicating mosquitoes area.

Detailed Solution for Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 7
Dragonflies are large and heavy bodied insects. The larvae (or Nymphs), which live in water, eat almost anything living that is smaller than themselves. The adult dragonfly larvae are even known to catch and eat small fish. Usually they eat bloodworms or other aquatic insect larvae. Dragonfly nymphs are such good hunters because they move really fast - by what looks like jet propulsion. One of the benefits of having dragonflies live nearby is that they eat many times their weight in mosquitoes every day. Dragonflies also eat many different kinds of flies. Using a basketlike arrangement of their legs, adult dragonflies can actually catch and eat other bugs while they are flying.
Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 8

Read the following text and answer any four questions on the basis of the same :

Ecological Indicators : The presence of dragonflies can reveal changes in the water ecosystems more quickly than studying other animals or plants. In fact, from the nymph to the adult stage, the dragonfly has a significant, positive ecological impact. Dragonfly eggs are laid and hatched in or near water, so their lives show an impact on both water and land ecosystems. Once hatched, dragonfly nymphs can breathe in the air or underwater which enables them to eat mosquito larvae, other aquatic insects and worms, and even small aquatic vertebrates like tadpoles and small fish. Adult dragonflies capture and eat adult mosquitoes.

Community wide mosquito control programs that spray insecticides to kill adult mosquitoes also kill dragonflies.

Q. Two diseases less likely to occur in a region with plenty of dragonflies are_____

Detailed Solution for Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 8

In regions with an abundance of dragonflies, two diseases less likely to occur are:

- Malaria: Dragonflies help control mosquito populations by feeding on adult mosquitoes, which are vectors for diseases like malaria.
- Yellow fever: Since dragonflies prey on adult mosquitoes, they indirectly reduce the transmission of diseases like yellow fever, which are also spread by mosquitoes.

Therefore, regions with plentiful dragonflies are likely to experience lower incidences of both malaria and yellow fever due to the dragonflies' natural predation on disease-carrying mosquitoes.

Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 9

Read the following text and answer any four questions on the basis of the same :

Ecological Indicators : The presence of dragonflies can reveal changes in the water ecosystems more quickly than studying other animals or plants. In fact, from the nymph to the adult stage, the dragonfly has a significant, positive ecological impact. Dragonfly eggs are laid and hatched in or near water, so their lives show an impact on both water and land ecosystems. Once hatched, dragonfly nymphs can breathe in the air or underwater which enables them to eat mosquito larvae, other aquatic insects and worms, and even small aquatic vertebrates like tadpoles and small fish. Adult dragonflies capture and eat adult mosquitoes.

Community wide mosquito control programs that spray insecticides to kill adult mosquitoes also kill dragonflies.

Directions : In the following questions a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason (R). Mark the correct choice as :

Assertion : Releasing dragonflies in areas where there is an outbreak of malarial diseases can be an environment friendly method of control.

Reason : Dragonflies are dominant species and will not allow mosquitoes to reproduce.

Detailed Solution for Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 9
Dragonflies have a role in controlling the mosquitoes population and ultimately malarial disease as they are predators on them but they have no role to allow mosquitoes to reproduce.
Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 10

Read the following text and answer any four questions on the basis of the same :

Ecological Indicators : The presence of dragonflies can reveal changes in the water ecosystems more quickly than studying other animals or plants. In fact, from the nymph to the adult stage, the dragonfly has a significant, positive ecological impact. Dragonfly eggs are laid and hatched in or near water, so their lives show an impact on both water and land ecosystems. Once hatched, dragonfly nymphs can breathe in the air or underwater which enables them to eat mosquito larvae, other aquatic insects and worms, and even small aquatic vertebrates like tadpoles and small fish. Adult dragonflies capture and eat adult mosquitoes.

Community wide mosquito control programs that spray insecticides to kill adult mosquitoes also kill dragonflies.

Q. Dragonflies indicate positive ecological impact as :

Detailed Solution for Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 10
Adult dragonflies are beneficial because they eat pests, flying insects, particularly midges and mosquitoes and help to decrease the probability of diseases spread by vectors.
Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 11

Read the following and answer the question given below:

Villagers in a place near Chembur started planning to make power supply for agricultural purposes from cow dung. They have started a biogas plant for the purpose.

Study the flow chart for biogas production given below and answer the following questions.

Q. Biogas is composed of majorly:

Detailed Solution for Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 11
Biogas is composed of Methane(50-70%), CO2(30-40%) with traces of hydrogen sulphide and hydrogen.
Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 12

Read the following and answer the following question: 
Microorganisms include bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. In our mind, we presume, most of the time, that microbes are always harmful. Microbes are, of course, the causal agents of many infections diseases of plants and animals including humans but they also have lots of beneficial role. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are one of this kind of useful group. These are Gram positive, non-sporulating, either rod shaped or spherical bacteria. They produce lactic acid in milk products as major metabolic end product of carbohydrate fermentation. LAB are considered as natural fermentors. Lactobacillus is a common LAB which converts lactose sugar of milk into lactic acid, that causes coagulation and partial digestion of milk protein casein. Milk is then changed into curd, yoghurt and cheese. Lactobacillus is also used in probiotics which have potentially beneficial effect on gut ecosystem of humans. Some other probiotic strain used belong to the Genus Bifidobacterium.

Q.  Which of the following is not a lactic acid producing bacteria?

Detailed Solution for Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 12

Microbes such as. Lactobacillus and others commonly called lactic acid bacteria (LAB) grow in milk and convert it into curd. During growth, such bacteria produce adds (mainly lactic add) that coagulate and partially digest the milk proteins. A small amount of curd, known as starter, is added to the milk and kept at a suitable temperature, where lactic acid bacteria multiply in millions and converts milk into curd that also improves its nutritional quality by increasing vitamin BI2. It also checks the growth of disease-causing microbes in the stomach.

Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 13

Read the following and answer the question given below:

Villagers in a place near Chembur started planning to make power supply for agricultural purposes from cow dung. They have started a biogas plant for the purpose.

Study the flow chart for biogas production given below and answer the following questions.

Q. In the given flow chart, 'A' denotes :

Detailed Solution for Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 13
The methanogenic bacteria are anaerobic organisms that convert CO2 to methane via a sequence of reactions.
Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 14

Read the following and answer the question given below:

Villagers in a place near Chembur started planning to make power supply for agricultural purposes from cow dung. They have started a biogas plant for the purpose.

Study the flow chart for biogas production given below and answer the following questions.

Q. If 'A' is not added in the procedure

Detailed Solution for Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 14
If methanogenic bacteria is not added in the procedure methane formation will not take place.
Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 15

Read the following and answer the question given below:

Villagers in a place near Chembur started planning to make power supply for agricultural purposes from cow dung. They have started a biogas plant for the purpose.

Study the flow chart for biogas production given below and answer the following questions.

Q. What is represented by 'B' in the flow chart?

Detailed Solution for Case Based Questions Test: Microbes in Human Welfare - Question 15
In the second stage of biogas production, the simple soluble compounds or monomers are acted upon by fermentation causing microbes and converted into organic acids especially acetic acid.
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