All Questions have only one correct option. You will be awarded 4 marks for right answer and 1 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer
Among the following, the molecule that is linear and has lowest dipole moment is
If the dipole moment of C—Cl bond in the compound given below is 1.2 D.
Then the resulting value of the dipole moment in
Hybridisation of nitrogen I and II in the following compound is
Which of the following do you think is the most important contributor to the resonance hybrid ?
The graph between energy and distance between atoms in the formation of a molecule is given as
The correct statement for the above graph is
In the which can show intramolecular hydrogen bonding in solution ?
Which of the following sets has elements with identical covalent radius ?
Which of the following is pseudo nobel gas electronic configuration
Which of the correct graphical representation based on photoeletric effect ?
Ionic radius of Na+ is 0.95Å. The inter-ionic distance is 2.76Å. The ionic radius of Cl– ion is
The value of D for the bonds A–B, A–C, A–D and A–E are 24.3, 50.6, 102.3 and 105.9 kJ mol–1. Which of the following bond is most polar ?
From 196 mg of H2SO4, 1.2046 x 1021 molecules are removed, number of molecules of H2SO4 left are
The specific heat of an element ‘X’ at constant volume is 0.082 and at constant pressure is 0.115. One litre of the gas at STP weighs 3.151 g. Calculate the approximate atomic weight of the element X.
4 moles of B combine with 1 mole of A to form a mole of ‘X’. [Atomic weight of A = 12, B = 35.5]. The equivalent weight of ‘X’ will be equal to
How much NaNO3 must be weighed out to make 50 ml of an aqueous solution containing 70 mg of Na+ per ml ?
10 ml of 1 N HCl is mixed with 20 ml of 1 M H2SO4 and 30 ml of 1 M NaOH. The resultant solution has
1 g alloy of Cu and Zn reacted with excess of dil. H2SO4 to give H2 gas which occupies 60 ml at STP. The percentage of Zn in the alloy is
For a d-electron, the orbital angular momentum is
The radiations from a naturally occuring radioactive substance, as seen after deflection by a magnetic field in one direction, are
The energy of electron in first Bohr’s orbit of H-atom is –13.6 eV. The possible energy value(s) of excited state(s) for electron in Bohr’s orbit of He+ are
The probability distribution curve for 2s electron appears like
Arrange in decreasing order, the energy of 2s orbital in the following atoms H, Li, Na, K.
Comprehension based questions
Magnetic quantum number was introduced by Zeeman effect. It is denoted by ‘m’ and has the values between It gives orientation of orbitals in space. When atom is placed in magnetic field its line splits into
spectral lines. Thus the total value of m =
each magnetic quantum number represents a separate atomic orbital within a sub-shell. Moreover it gives quantized values of z-component of angular momentum of electron in an orbital denoted by Lz.
where θ = angle between z-axis and angular momentum vector
Total number of electrons present in a sub-orbit equal to
Comprehension based questions
Magnetic quantum number was introduced by Zeeman effect. It is denoted by ‘m’ and has the values between It gives orientation of orbitals in space. When atom is placed in magnetic field its line splits into
spectral lines. Thus the total value of m =
each magnetic quantum number represents a separate atomic orbital within a sub-shell. Moreover it gives quantized values of z-component of angular momentum of electron in an orbital denoted by Lz.
where θ = angle between z-axis and angular momentum vector
For which of the following orbital m = 0 in d-sub-orbit ?