The smallest positive integer n for which
If the cube roots of unity are 1, ω,ω2, then roots of the equation (x−1)3+8 = 0 are :
The number of solutions of the equation Im (z2) = 0,|z| = 2 is
If z1 and z2 are non real complex numbers such that |z1| = |z2| and Arg(z1)+Arg(z2)= π, then z1 =
The complex numbers sinx + i cos2x and cosx – i sin2x are conjugate to each other, for
The value of (-1 + √-3)2 + (-1 - √-3)2 is
If α is a complex a number such that α2+α+1 = 0 then α31 is
The points z = x + iy which satisfy the equation | z | = 1 lie on
The points of the complex plane given by the condition arg. (z) = (2n + 1) π, n ∈ I lie on
If z = x + yi ; x ,y ∈ R, then locus of the equation , where c ∈ R and b ∈ C, b ≠ 0 are fixed, is
The complex number z which satisfies lies on
If ω is a cube root of unity, then the linear factors of x3+y3 in complex numbers are
If α,β are non-real cube roots of unity then αβ + α5+β5 equals
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