Q. 1 to Q. 5 carry 1 mark each
Didn'w you buy __________________ when you went shopping ?
Which of the following options is the closest in meaning to the sentence below?
She enjoyed herself immensely at the party.
Which one of the following combinations is incorrect?
Based on the given statements, select the most appropriate option to solve the given question. If two floors in a certain building are 9 feet apart, how many steps are there in a set of stairs that extends from the first floor to the second floor of the building?
I. Each step is 3/4 foot high
II. Each step is 1 foot wide.
Given Set A = {2, 3, 4, 5} and Set {11, 12, 13, 14, 15}, two numbers are randomly selected, one from each set. What is the probability that the sum of the two numbers equals 16?
Q. 6 to Q. 10 carry 2 mark each
Q. Select the alternative meaning of the underlined part of the sentence.
The chain snatchers "took to their heels" when the police party arrived.
The given statement is followed by some courses of action. Assuming the statement to be true, decide the correct option.
There has been a significant drop in the water level in the lakes supplying water to the city.
Course of action
I. The water supply authority should impose a partial cut in supply to tackle the situation.
II. The government should appeal to all the residents through mass media for minimal use of water.
II. The government should ban the water supply in lower areas.
The pie chart below has the breakup of the number of students form different departments in an engineering college for the year 2012. The proportion of male to female students in each department is 5:4. There are 40 males in Electrical Engineering. What is the difference between the numbers of female students in the Civil department and the female students in the Mechanical department?
The probabilities that a student passes in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry are m, p, and c respectively
. Of these subjects, the student has 75% chance of passing in atleast one, a 50% chance of passing in atleast two and a 40% chance of passing in exactly two. Following relation are drawn in m, p, c.
I. p + m + c = 27/20
II. p + m + c = 13/20
III. (p)+(m)+(C)= 1/10
The number of students in a class who have answered correctly, wrongly, or not attempted each question in exam, are listed in the table below. The marks fro each question are also listed. There is no negative or partial marking.
What is the average of the marks obtained by the class in the examination?
Q. 11 – Q. 35 carry one mark each.
Match the following:
Which one of the following is the recurrence equation for the worst case time complexity of the Quicksort algorithm for sorting ???? ( ≥2) numbers? In the recurrence equations given in the options below, ???? is a constant.
The height of a tree is the length of the longest root-to-leaf path in it. The maximum and minimum number of nodes in a binary tree of height 5 are
Match the following:
(P) Condition coverage (i) Black-box testing
(Q) Equivalence class partitioning (ii) System testing
(R) Volume testing (iii) White-box testing
(S) Alpha testing (iv) Performance testing
Which of the following is/are correct inorder traversal sequence(s) of binary search tree(s)?
I. 3, 5, 7, 8, 15, 19, 25
II. 5, 8, 9, 12, 10, 15, 25
III. 2, 7, 10, 8, 14, 16, 20
IV. 4, 6, 7, 9 18, 20, 25
Which one of the following is TRUE at any valid state in shift-reduce parsing?
Which one of the following is NOT equivalent to
For a set A, the power set of A is denoted by 2A. If A={5,{6},{7}}, which of the following options are TRUE?
Consider a 4-bit Johnson counter with an initial value of 0000. The counting sequence of this counter is
For computers based on three-address instruction formats, each address field can be used to specify which of the following:
(S1) A memory operand
(S2) A processor register
(S3) An implied accumulator register
Suppose two hosts use a TCP connection to transfer a large file. Which of the following statements is/are FALSE with respect to the TCP connection?
I. If the sequence number of a segment is m, then the sequence number of the subsequent segment is always m+1.
II. If the estimated round trip time at any given point of time is t sec, the value of the retransmission timeout is always set to greater than or equal to t sec.
III. The size of the advertised window never changes during the course of the TCP connection.
IV. The number of unacknowledged bytes at the sender is always less than or equal to the advertised window.
Suppose that everyone in a group of N people wants to communicate secretly with the N-1 others using symmetric key cryptographic system. The communication between any two persons should not be decodable by the others in the group. The number of keys required in the system as a whole to satisfy the confidentiality requirement is
Which of the following statements is/are FALSE?
I. XML overcomes the limitations in HTML to support a structured way of organizing content.
II. XML specification is not case sensitive while HTML specification is case sensitive.
III. XML supports user defined tags while HTML uses pre-defined tags.
IV. XML tags need not be closed while HTML tags must be closed.
Which one of the following fields of an IP header is NOT modified by a typical IP router?
In one of the pairs of protocols given below, both the protocols can use multiple TCP connections between the same client and the server. Which one is that?
For any two languages L1 and L2 such that L1 is context-free and L2 is recursively enumerable but not recursive, which of the following is/are necessarily true?
Consider a system with byte-addressable memory, 32-bit logical addresses, 4 kilobyte page size and page table entries of 4 bytes each. The size of the page table in the system in megabytes is ________ .
The following two functions P1 and P2 that share a variable B with an initial value of 2 execute concurrently.
The number of distinct values that B can possibly take after the execution is______________.