India-Sri Lanka joint exercise begins in Sri Lanka recently, it is named as;
The 6th edition of the biennial Bengaluru Space Expo was inagurated by;
India partners in the 87th Izmir International tradeshow at __________.
Google launched a new search engine for scientists, data journalists. It is called as;
This country plans to participate in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) after 9-years boycott.
Which Indian metro has become the second-most unaffodable transport network in the world after Hanoi in Vietnam?
Which state cabinet has recommended the dissolution of the State Legislative Assembly?
The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has formed a monitoring committee to prepare a time-bound action plan on groundwater recharge in Delhi. Who is the head of the committee?
Who inaugurated India's first Global Mobility summit 'MOVE' in New Delhi?
The government of India has doubled the monetary limit upto this amount for filing loan recovery application in the Debt Recovery Tribunals (DRT).
NALCO mine bags __________ awards at Mines Environment and Mineral Conservation (MEMC) week.
What is the theme of First 2-day India Idea Summit held in Mumbai?
Who among the following clinced the gold medal in ISSF World Championship?
Who inagurated the Defence & Homeland Security Expo and Conference - 2018 in New Delhi?
Name the Gujarati Author and Journalist who passed away recently at the age of 84 years.
How many crores is the total layout of Umbrella Scheme of Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats for 2017-20?