How is Sunaina related to Sahil?
I. Sunaina who has two children is daughter of Radhika. Radhika has only one grandson named Sahil.
II. Paras who is brother of Sunaina has only one child named Ridhi.
Who stays at 4th floor of the building having 5 floors (1-5, ground floor empty)?
I. Radhika stays on an odd-numbered floor.
II. Varun stays three floors above Radhika
What is the distance between points A and B?
I. Point P is 10 m west of point C. Point D is 5 m north of point A which is 5 m west of point C.
II. Point Q is equidistant from points A and B.
How is ‘gone’ written in that code?
I. In a certain code, ‘gone are those days’ is written as ‘ki vo tu mpi’ and ‘those days were good’ is written as ‘ki fo mpi ta’
II. In a certain code, ‘many days passed’ is written as ‘ti mpi dis’ and ‘those good years’ is written as ‘ko ki ka’.
On which day is Maya’s birthday?
I. Shruti remembers that Maya’s birthday falls in February. Preet remembers that Maya’s birthday fall on either 29 or 30.
II. Krish remembers that Maya’s birthday occurs in the last week of a month.
What is Rakhi’s position from the left end of a row?
I. There are 4 students between Gauri and Rakhi. Bhavna is 6th to the right of Gauri.
II. Gini is 6th to the left of Rakhi and is 2nd from the left end.
How many children are sitting between A and B? |
I. A is 5th to the right of C and 6th to the left of D. B is 6th to the right of C
II. In a row of 25 students, A is 5th from left end and B is 20th from the right end.
Among A, B, C, D and E who has got the marks in middle position?
I. A has got 1 marks less than B and has got greater marks than E.
II. C and D have got greater marks than A
How is E related to A?
I. C is daughter of A and also mother of D.
II. B is brother of C and E is the wife of D
Who has got highest marks among A, B, C, D and E?>
I. D has got greater marks than A and less than C. Also B has got greater marks than A and less than E.
II. E has got less marks than C and greater than B and D. A has got the lowest marks.
Who among A, B, C, D and E was the first to reach the station?
1) B reached earlier than E, A and C were not the first to reach.
2) A reached earlier than both C and E, but could not reach earlier than D, who was at the station before B.
3) C didn’t reach just after A
P, Q, R, S, T and U are sitting around a circular table, facing the centre. Who is sitting opposite P?
1) Q and R are sitting opposite each other.
2) T may sit either on the immediate left of Q or on the immediate right of R.
3) S cannot sit opposite T, and P cannot sit opposite T
Who is the tallest among A, B, C, D and E?
1) C is taller than B but not as tall as E.
2) A is not the shortest.
3) A is taller than only D.
On which day of the week did Anil arrive?
1) His sister, Tanvi, correctly remembers that he did not arrive on Wednesday.
2) His friend, Manav, correctly remembers that he arrived before Friday.
3) His mother correctly mentions that he arrived before Friday but after Tuesday.
P, Q, R, S and T are sitting in a row facing North. Who among them is in the middle?
1) T is at the right end of the row.
2) S sits between P and R.
3) Neither P nor R sits at an extreme end
Among A, B, C, D and E each with a different weight, who is the lightest?
1) C is heavier than B but lighter than E.
2) A is heavier than B but lighter than D.
3) E is not the heaviest
How many sons does C have?
1) A’s father has at most three children.
2) B is the brother of A and the son of C.
3) E is C’s wife and has one daughter D, who is younger than her brothers”.
On which day of the week did Yogesh arrive? (The week starts from Monday)
I.Archit correctly remembers that Yogesh did not arrive on Thursday.
II.Sunil correctly remembers that Yogesh arrived before Saturday but after Tuesday.
III. Namah remembers that Yogesh did not arrive a day before Saturday.
Who among Raj, Jyoti, Akash and Neelam is the heaviest?
1) Jyoti is heavier than Neelam.
2) Raj is not as heavy as either Akash or Jyoti.
3) Neelam is neither the heaviest nor the lightest.
How many students are there between Bunty and Anuj in a row of sixty students?
1) Raj is twentieth from the left end and Bunty is five places away from Raj.
2) Bunty is twenty-second from the left end and Anuj is twenty-seventh from the right end.
3) Anuj sits at an end
11 videos|20 docs|171 tests
11 videos|20 docs|171 tests