Find the orthogonal trajectory of the family of curves, y2 = x3 – 2 so, find the value of y as x → ∞.
If the P.I. of the Differential Equation is of the value form
Find the value of λ.
If the solution of is of the y2 = a1x + a2xα. Find the value of α.
If ex and x are solutions of Homogeneous equations (1 – x)y2 + xy1 – y = 2(x – 1)2e–x then the general solution y is of the form y = c1x + c2ex + α - xe-x. Find the value of α.
Find the order of differential equation of all tangents to parabola y2 = x
If the P.I. of the differential equation (D2 – 1)y = coshxcosx is of the form α.(2 sin hx sin x - cosx).
An integrating factor of the equation dy/dx + x sin 2y = x3 cos2 y is f(x). Find the value of f(0).
If the PI of differential equation (D2 - 4D + 4) y = 8x2e2x sin 2x is of the form eαx [(α'x2 + α") sin βx + β' x cos βx] then find the value of α".
If the integrating factor of the differential equation (x7y2 + 3y)dx + (3x8t - x)dy = 0 is of the form xmyn then sum of values of m and n is :
If the P.I. of Differential Equation (x2D2 + 3xD + 1) y = 1/(1 - x)2 is of form then, find value of λ.