Based on distribution of yolk, the egg of frog is :
Which cell inclusion of the spermatid forms the acrosome of the sperm :-
First meiotic division during Oogenesis occurs in :
Which of the following part of spermatozoan aries from centriole :-
Which piece of a sperm is called power house :-
The concept that organizer is essential for embryonic development was given by :-
The sperm producing substance of enzymatic nature of sperm lysine. In mammals it is called
Testicular degeneration and other disorders of reproductive system in mammals are due to the deficiency of :-
The minute cells which separate from the developing ova during their maturation are called
Development of animal by asexual reproduction is called :-
In gameto genesis, reduction division take place during :-
Which types of division take place during second maturation division ;-
Proximal centriole is located in which part of sperm
Space between acrosome and nucleus is called :-