Directions: Choose the word that is NOT correctly spelled.
Directions: Mark the correct antonym for the given word.
⊕ and ⊙are two operators on numbers p and q such that
If x ⊕y = 2⊙2, then x =
If the letters of the word CRICKET are arranged in all possible ways and these words are written out as in the dictionary, then the rank of the word CRICKET is
Statement: Either P marries Q or X marries Y.
Among the options below, the logical NEGATION of the above statement is:
In a certain code, BRAIN is written as *%➗#× and TIER is written as $#+%. How is RENT written in that code?
Five line segments of equal lengths, PR, PS, QS, QT and RT are used to form a star as shown in the figure below.
The value of θ, in degrees, is _______.
Directions: The figure (x) is followed by four alternative figures (a), (b), (c) and (d) such that figure (x) is embedded in one of them. Choose the alternative figure in which the figure (x) is embedded.
Humans have the ability to construct worlds entirely in their minds, which don't exist in the physical world. So far as we know, no other species possess this ability. This skill is so important that we have different words to refer to its different flavors, such as imagination, invention and innovation.
Based on the above passage, which one of the following is TRUE?
In a beam of length L, four possible influence line diagrams for shear force at a section located at a distance of L/4 from the left end support (marked as P, Q, R and S) are shown below. The correct influence line diagram is
Consider the following unit steps commonly adopted in Solid Waste Management (SWM) of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW);
Collection (C), Transportation (TR), Disposal (D), and storage of MSW (SR). The order of these unit processes (first to last) in a conventional SWM system is:
The degree of disturbance of the sample collected by the sampler is expressed by a term called the 'area ratio'. If the outer diameter and inner diameter of the sampler are D0 and Di respectively, the area ratio is given by
The line joining the points of (piezometric head+velocity head) at various points in a pipe flow is called as
If x = a cos θ, y = b sin θ, then d2y/dx2 at θ = π/2 is
An unconfined compression test was conducted on an undisturbed sample of clay. The sample had a diameter of 80mm and was 200 mm long, The load at failure was 30 N and axial deformation of the sample at failure was 15mm the undrained shear strength of the clay is ____ kN/m2
If |z| < 1,="" then="" laurent="" series="" expansion="" of="" function="" /> is
Which of the following pairs are correctly matched regarding the compaction equipment used for different soil types?
One or more than one option can be right.
The minimum factor of safety against shear failure of a vertical cut of height 6 m in a pure clayey soil having a coefficient of undrained cohesion as 135 kN/m2 and γsat of 30 kN/m3, assuming planar failure, is
A column consisting of SC 140 @ 33.31 kgf/m has an unsupported length of 400 cm. At one end, the column is held in a position and cannot rotate. At the other end, the column cannot rotate, but is also not held in position. Determine the axial load in kN. (Assume fy = 250 N/mm2, A1 = 4.24 × 103 mm2, rx = 58.5 mm, ry = 32.1 mm) (Answer up to the nearest integer)
The most efficient method of Irrigation in terms of Water losses and duty is :
The total passive earth pressure per unit length (in t/m) against a retaining of height 3 m with back fill of unit weight 1.8 t/m3 and angle of internal friction 30° will be (Answer up to one decimal place)
An urn contains 10 yellow balls and 10 blue balls. In the first draw, one ball is picked at random and discarded without noticing its colour. The probability to get a yellow ball in the second draw is(round up to 1 decimal place)
The smallest interval [a, b], such that dx ∈ [a, b], is given by
An RCC beam of cross-section 250 mm x 400 mm is subjected to a factored bending moment of 150 kNm and a factored torsional moment of 150 kNm. The longitudinal reinforcement provided on the compression face will be designed for the moment of______ kNm (round up to 2 decimal places)(take cover to both the reinforcements be 50 mm)
A vehicle moving at 40 kmph was stopped by applying brakes and the length of the resultant skid mark was 12.2 m. If the average skid resistance of the pavement is known to be 0.70, then the brake efficiency (in %) of the test vehicle will be (Answer up to two decimal places)
Which of the following statements regarding cables is/are correct?
31 docs|280 tests