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Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Class 10 MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test - Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017)

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) for Class 10 2025 is part of Class 10 preparation. The Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) questions and answers have been prepared according to the Class 10 exam syllabus.The Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) MCQs are made for Class 10 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) below.
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Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 1

The far point of a healthy person is

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 1

The far point  is  infinity  for  normal  eye.  It  is  the farthest  point  upto which  the  eye  can see object clearly.

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 2

The cause of Astigmatism is

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 2

The defect by which the person is not able to differentiate horizontal and vertical position, is called astigmatism. It is caused by an error in the shape of the cornea.  It can be corrected by using cylindrical lenses.

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 3

If the angle of incidence is increased for a pair of air – glass interface, then the angle of refraction will

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 3

According to Snell’s law, ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction is always constant for a given pair of media. Therefore, if the angle of incidence increases, the angle of refraction also increases proportionally to the increase of incidence.

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 4

Which of following phenomena is based on atmospheric refraction

A. Sun appears to rise 2 minutes before and 2 minutes later
B. Stars seen higher than they actually are
C. Rainbow
D. Blue colour of clear sky

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 4

Both of these phenomena are due  to atmospheric  refraction. The temperature and density of different layer of atmosphere keeps varying. When the light enters the earth’s atmosphere it undergoes refraction continuously, due to changing refractive index  i.e. light travels from rarer  to denser medium and hence It bends  towards  the normal successively.

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 5

A ray of light travelling in air fall obliquely on the surface of a calm pond. It will-

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 5

When ray of light enters from a rarer medium (air) into a denser medium (water), it bends towards normal at the point of incidence.

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 6

The deviation in the path of ray of light can be produced-

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 6

The bending of light as it passes from one medium to another is called refraction. The angle and wavelength at which the light enters a substance and the density of that substance determine how much the light is refracted. The bending occurs because light travels more slowly in a denser medium.

Hence, by a glass prism as well as a rectangular glass slab

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 7

The lateral displacement of an incident ray passing out of a rectangular glass slab

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 7

The lateral displacement of an incident ray passing out of a rectangular glass slab is directly proportional to the thickness of glass slab, angle of incidence, and refractive index however it is inversely proportional to the wavelength of incident light.

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 8

In Hypermetropia

A. Curvature of the lens becomes less than normal
B. Elongation of the eye ball
C. Curvature of lens become more than normal
D. Shortening of the eye ball

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 8

Hypermetropia (Long sightedness) is caused due to
1. Decrease in curvature of eye  lens  (thin eye lens, increase  focal  length)
2. Eye ball has become  too  small.

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 9

The human eye forms the image of an object at its

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 9

Retina works like a screen or camera film. Retina is full of light and colour sensitive cells. These cells, upon receiving image send electrical signals to the brain, which processes these information to make a mental image of what we see.

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 10

When a light passes through a prism, it splits into its component colours. This phenomenon is called.

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 10

Dispersion is the phenomena of splitting of white light into its constituent seven colours (VIBGYOR) on passing through a glass prism.

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 11

Find the incorrect statement

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 11

Advance Sunrise and delayed  sunset: This  is  due  to atmospheric  refraction. Because of this sun is visible about 2 minutes earlier than actual sunrise and about 2 minutes after  the actual  sun  set.

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 12

Cone cells helps us to see-

A. In dark
B. In daytime
C. Colours
D. None

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 12

The photoreceptor cells in the retina are of two types, viz. rod cells and cone cells. The rod cells are sensitive to dim light whereas the cone cells are sensitive to bright light (daytime) and colour.

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 13

What Colour we obtain on mixing red, green and blue light?

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 13

If you mix red, green, and blue light, you get white light. Red, green, and blue (RGB) are referred to as the primary colors of light. This is additive color system. As more colors are added, the result becomes lighter, heading towards white. RGB is used to generate color on a computer screen, a TV, and any colored electronic display device.

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 14

What is the observed colour of sky as seen from the moon surface?

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 14

The sky appears blue due to scattering of the blue colour by the earth's atmosphere. In moon there is no atmosphere hence nothing to scatter light. Thus, the sky appears dark as seen from the moon surface.

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 15

A person developing near sightedness due to-

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 15

In myopia, a person can  see nearby object clearly, but cannot  see distant object distinctly. Image formed in front of the retina.

It is due to: 

1. Elongation of  the eye ball
2. Excessive curvature of eye  lens  (thick eye lens→ decrease in focal  length→ increase in power of lens)

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 16

Rainbow is formed due to combination of ?

A. Refraction
B. Absorption
C. Dispersion
D. Total internal reflection

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 16

The rainbow is a natural spectrum of sunlight appearing in the sky after a rain shower. It  is  formed due  to  the dispersion of  sunlight by  the  tiny water droplet, present  in atmosphere. Water droplet act  like prism. It  refract  and  disperse  the  incident  sunlight,  then  reflect  it  internally  (total internal reflection) and  finally  refract  it again, when  it emerges out of  the water droplet. Red colour appear on  top & violet at  the bottom of  rainbow.

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 17

The refractive indices of three media P, Q, R, are 1.73, 1.33 and 2.24 respectively. Arrange these media in increasing order of their optical density.

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 17

The refractive index is a measurement of optical density. A medium with a low optical density, would have also a low refractive index.

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 18

What is spectrum-

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 18

When a white light is passed through a prism it gets split into combination of seven colours which is known as the spectrum. The colors of the spectrum of white light are those seen in a rainbow. They are usually named in order as: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 19

Which of the following phenomena is not the result of total internal reflection?

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 19

Twinkling of stars is due to atmospheric refraction. Distant star acts like a point source of light. When the starlight enters the earth’s atmosphere it undergoes refraction continuously, due to changing refractive index i.e. from Rarer to denser medium. It bends towards the normal successively, hence the amount of light enters our eyes fluctuates sometime bright and sometime faint.

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 20

Which of the following statements are incorrect-

A. Person who wear spectacles cannot donate eyes
B. Presbyopia is corrected by placing a bifocal lens
C. Hypermetropia is also known as short sightedness
D. Red light has longest wavelength

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 20

Eye donation actually means cornea donation. Conditions like myopia and hypermetropia are refractive errors. These are corrected using spectacles and cornea is otherwise healthy, therefore a person who wears spectacles can donate eyes without any problem.

Hypermetropia is also known as far-sightedness. In hypermetropia, a person cannot see nearby object clearly, but can see distant object clearly.

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 21

The inability among the elderly to see nearby objects clearly because of the weaking of the ciliary muscles is called-

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 21

As we become old,  the power of accommodation of  the eye usually decreases, the near point gradually  recedes away. This defect is called Presbyopia. Person may suffer from both myopia and hypermetropia.Correction- Using of Bifocal  lens with appropriate power. Bifocal  lenses consist of both concave and convex  lens, upper position consist of concave  lens and  lower portion consist of convex  lens.

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 22

When a person is suffering from both myopia and hypermetropia, what type corrective lens are required-

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 22

Bifocal  lenses consist of both concave and convex  lens, upper position consist of concave  lens and  lower portion consist of convex  lens.

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 23

Danger signals are red in colour because

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 23

Red colour  scattered  the  least when  strikes  by the  small particle of  fog and smoke because it has the maximum wavelength (visible spectrum). Hence at  large distance also, we can  see  the  red colour clearly.

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 24

Which of the following is mismatched

A. Iris- Regulates the amount of light
B. Ciliary muscles- Increases or decreases the size of lens
C. Optic nerves- Forms image of an object
D. Retina- Send signal to the brain to interpret the signal

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 24

When image formed at retina, light sensitive cells get activated and generate electrical signal. These signals are sent to brain via optic nerve.

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 25

Light waves are

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 25

Electromagnetic waves (or electromagnetic radiation) are waves made of oscillating magnetic and electric fields, and include radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-rays and gamma rays. Thus, light is just one part of the electromagnetic spectrum, the part that our eyes can see.

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 26

Important defect of vision are-

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 26

In myopia or nearsightedness, a person can see nearby object clearly, but cannot see distant object distinctly. Image formed in front of the retina.
In hypermetropia also known as farsightedness, a person cannot see nearby object clearly, but can see distant object distinctly. Image formed at a point behind the retina.
As we become old,  the power of accommodation of the eye usually decreases, the near point gradually recedes away. This defect is called presbyopia. Person may suffer from both myopia and hypermetropia.

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 27

Optical fibre is used for

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 27

Applications of optical fiber include:

1. Communication: Telephone transmissoin method usese fiber-optic cables. Optical fibres transmit energy in the form of light pulses.
2. Medical uses: Optical fibres are well suited for medical use. They can be made in extremely thin, flexible stands for insertion into the blood vessels, lungs, and other hollow parts of the body. Optical fibers are used in a number of instruments that enable doctors to view internal body parts without having to perform surgery.
3. Simple uses: The simplest application of optical fibers is the trnsmission of light to locations otherwise hard to reach.

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 28

The muscles of the iris control the

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 28

The pupil of an eye provide a variable aperture, whose  size  is controlled by iris
a) When the light is bright: Iris contracts the pupil, so that less light enters the eye.
b) When  the  light  is dim:  Iris expand  the pupil,  so  that more  light enters  the eye. Pupil open completely, when  iris  is  relaxed.

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 29

Ability of the eye lens to adjust its focal length is called

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 29

The ability of the eye to focus both near and distant objects, by adjusting the focal length of the eye lens, is called the accommodation of the eye.

Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 30

Bees are sensitive to

Detailed Solution for Human Eye - MCQ Test (22-11-2017) - Question 30

The retinal cones of bees are sensitive to ultraviolet light. Hence bees respond to ultraviolet light.

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