Sharing of power between different organs of the Government such as legislature, executive and judiciary is called
Which one of the following is a moral reason behind power-sharing?
In Sri lanka, after independence, the leaders of Sinhala community in order to establish Sinhala supremacy adopted series of
What is the percentage of Dutch speaking people in Belgium?
How many people speak French and Dutch in the capital city of Brussels?
The major social groups of Sri Lanka are
The two major social groups in Sri Lanka are
Which was the only official language of Sri Lanka?
Prudential reasons of power sharing are
Which is correct regarding power sharing?
Which type of social diversity or division do we find in Belgium?
Sri Lanka emerged as an independent country in _______.
Belgium has borders with France, the Netherlands, Germany, and ______.
What is the fundamental concept illustrated by the Belgian model of governance?
What kind of a solution is the Belgian model based on power-sharing?
Assertion (A): Majoritarianism is a belief that the majority community should be able to rule a country in whichever way it wants, by disregarding the wishes and needs of the minority.
Reason (R): Power-sharing ensures that all communities have a say in the decision-making process, preventing the dominance of one community over others.
What is a key benefit of power sharing mentioned in the text?
Which two political parties in Russia agreed to unite into a strong right-wing coalition?
In Sri Lanka, what percentage of the population are Sinhala-speakers?
The government in Brussels accepted equal representation in the _____.
What is one common form of power sharing in modern democracies?
Power sharing among different organs of government, such as the legislature, executive, and judiciary, is known as _____.
In Belgium, the system of power sharing involves a _______ division of power.
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