These markets are not daily markets but are to be found at a particular place on one or maybe two days of the week. These markets most often sell everything that a household needs ranging from vegetables to clothes to utensils.
This is an enclosed shopping space. This is usually a large building with many floors that has shops, restaurants and, at times, even a cinema theatre. These shops most often sell branded products.
This refers to buying and selling in large quantities. Most products, including vegetables, fruits and flowers have special wholesale markets.
A series of markets that are connected like links in a chain because products pass from one market to another.
large multi-storeyed air-conditioned buildings with shops on different floors, known as
If you want to buy 100 pencil as return gift on your birthday where will you buy them from
What is the key factor that distinguishes the place from people
People assessed the market depends upon following factors except
Why are branded goods are preferred over non branded goods
When the Buying and selling takes place ______ in the chain
Swapna grows ___ on her small piece of land
______ removes the seeds and presses the cotton into bales
Erode's bi-weekly cloth market in Tamil Nadu is one of the largest cloth markets in the ___.
______ get the yarn from the merchant and supply him the cloth
Weavers invest all their savings or borrow money at high interest rates to buy looms. Each loom costs _______ so a small weaver with two looms has to invest Rs ______
Weaver's _____ are one way to reduce the dependence on the merchant and to earn a higher income for the weavers.
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