Which of the following would not be a natural pollution –
In addition to SO2, metals and textiles are damaged by –
Pollutant of automobile exhausts that affects nervous system/produces mental diseases is-
In what way, the fossil fuel burning is damaging –
Which of the following is a photochemical reaction product –
Which of the atmospheric pollutant cause general chlorosis i.e. destruction of chlorophyll –
The C.F.C. pollution sources include –
PAN (peroxyacetyl nitrate) is an important constituent of ‘Photochemical smog, is a –
Which human disease becomes aggravated by atmospheric pollution –
The gas released in Bhopal tragedy was –
Common indicator organism of water pollution is:
Spraying of DDT produces pollution of –
Which of the following is extreme example of noise pollution –
Which is not a renewable source -
Which disease in children is caused by the intensive use of nitrate fertilizers –
The noise created at the launching of space rocket measures around –
Inadequate drainage in a soil will lead to –
Through food chain radioactive Sr (Sr90) isdeposited in which part of human body –
Atomic bomb was used during world war II in-
The ultimate environmental hazard or the most outstanding danger for the survival of living beings on this planet is –