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Olympiad Test: Coding Decoding -2 - Class 7 MCQ

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10 Questions MCQ Test Science Olympiad Class 7 - Olympiad Test: Coding Decoding -2

Olympiad Test: Coding Decoding -2 for Class 7 2025 is part of Science Olympiad Class 7 preparation. The Olympiad Test: Coding Decoding -2 questions and answers have been prepared according to the Class 7 exam syllabus.The Olympiad Test: Coding Decoding -2 MCQs are made for Class 7 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Olympiad Test: Coding Decoding -2 below.
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Olympiad Test: Coding Decoding -2 - Question 1

In a certain code, O is written as D, A as F, M as I, S as O, N as P, E as M, I as C, P as Q and C as R, then how will COMPANIES be written in that code?

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding Decoding -2 - Question 1

Substituting the letters of the given word with their respective codes.

Olympiad Test: Coding Decoding -2 - Question 2

If MINERAL is written as QRSTUVW and SOUND is written as ABCSD, then how will READER be written in the same code?

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding Decoding -2 - Question 2

Letter M I N E R A L S O U D
Code Q R S T U V W A B C D
The code for READER is UTVDTU.

Olympiad Test: Coding Decoding -2 - Question 3

If TEACHER is coded as LMKJNMP, then how will HEART be coded?

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding Decoding -2 - Question 3

Letter T E A C H R
Code L M K J N P
The code for HEART is NMKPL.

Olympiad Test: Coding Decoding -2 - Question 4

If R is denoted by N, D is denoted by T, I by U, O by I, E by R, T by L, U by C, N by K and C by G, then how will the word INTRODUCE be written?

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding Decoding -2 - Question 4

Substituting the letters of the given word with their respective codes,

Olympiad Test: Coding Decoding -2 - Question 5

If the word PORTER can be coded as MBNZQN. How can REPORT be written?

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding Decoding -2 - Question 5

Letter P O R T E
Code M B N Z Q
The code for REPORT is NQMBNZ.

Olympiad Test: Coding Decoding -2 - Question 6

If the word RASCALS can be coded as BNMZMTN. How can SALSA be written?

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding Decoding -2 - Question 6

Letter R A S C L
Code B N M Z T
The code for SALSA is MNTMN.

Olympiad Test: Coding Decoding -2 - Question 7

If in a code language, ORGANISATION is written as CBDWLQJWYQCL and OPERATION is written as CXFBWYQCL, then how is SEPARATION coded?​

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding Decoding -2 - Question 7

Olympiad Test: Coding Decoding -2 - Question 8

In a code language, TUTORIAL is written as DODNGLCF and DANCE is written as YCJMZ, how can EDUCATION be written in that code?

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding Decoding -2 - Question 8

T U T O R I A L   and    D A N C E

D O D N G L C F           Y C J M Z

so, code for EDUCATION is ZYOMCDLNJ.Code Transformation Explanation

- T -> D
- U -> O
- T -> D
- O -> N
- R -> G
- I -> L
- A -> C
- L -> F

- D -> Y
- A -> C
- N -> J
- C -> M
- E -> Z

- Applying the same pattern to EDUCATION
- E -> Z
- D -> Y
- U -> M
- C -> O
- A -> C
- T -> D
- I -> L
- O -> N
- N -> J

Therefore, EDUCATION will be written as ZYOMCDLNJ . So, the correct answer is D: None of these.

Olympiad Test: Coding Decoding -2 - Question 9

In a coding system,  SHEEP is written as GAXXR and BLEAT as HPXTN. How can SLATE be written in this coding system?

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding Decoding -2 - Question 9

Letter SH E P B L A T
Code GA X R H P T N
The code for SLATE is GPTNX.

Olympiad Test: Coding Decoding -2 - Question 10

In a code language, STARK is written as LBFMG and MOBILE is written as TNRSPJ. How is BLAME written in that code?

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding Decoding -2 - Question 10

Letter S T A R K M O B I L E
Code L B F M G T N R S P J
The code for BLAME is RPFTJ.

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